Sketchnotes, commitments, cooking, plans, blogging – Weekly review: Week ending September 20, 2013
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- Weekly review: Week ending September 13, 2013
- Sewing: Made a PS Vita case!
- When I blog with Emacs and when I blog with other tools
- Help me figure out how I should reinvest business profits
- Sketchnotes: Conversations About Social Business (Jennifer Okimoto, IBM)
- Sketchnote Lesson: Adding color
- Thinking about hard commitments and soft commitments, and adapting my life accordingly
- Ten years of learning how to cook
Quick notes
- Whiteboard Selling (2013) is a potentially useful book for consultants and others who sell services/products in face-to-face meetings.
- The Strategy of Conflict (1980) is mind-boggling. There’s an excellent essay on bargaining that’s like “The Art of War” for haggling.
- Kitchen math: A double batch of egg tarts needs six extra egg yolks, so 1.5 batches of coconut macaroons balances that out nicely with a need for six egg whites.
- If you can’t override a WordPress widget plugin because it doesn’t use a filter, you can subclass the widget and rewrite the output.
Link round-up
- Using Content Creators to Fill Your Blog With Quality Posts – My blog is pretty full. I want to experiment with getting some help in this area. I write a lot, and I’d like to see if hiring people can help me write better.
- Wealth Advice that Should Be Obvious – Good fundamentals. I still manually pay my credit card bills (electronically, though) so that I have a regular review cycle. Working on stocking up better, looking forward to analyzing a year of groceries to learn more about our consumption patterns. =) (I’ve got the data, after all!)
- Ask For Personal Stories When Receiving Advice – Similarly, give personal stories when giving advice. =)
- DPP040: Rethinking Blog Archives, Creating Challenges, and 2 More Great Ideas – I keep a manual blog index, and I should probably organize it logically instead of semi-reverse-chronologically.
- 23 Tricks to Learn Anything Better – Working on #18 (always be compressing)
- Invite Friends. Get Points. Introducing the Evernote Referral Program. – now you can try Evernote Premium for a month for free by following people’s referral links (here’s mine). Already have Evernote? If you share it with others, the first referral gets you a month, and following referrals half a month each (up to 12 months total). I think the ability to help people try Premium for a month is probably more interesting, although since it’s $4.99/month, it’s probably not that big a deal. =) (details)
- 3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Writing Speed – Keep ideas handy, create an outline, don’t mix research/editing with writing. Outlining helps with #1 and #3, so that’s worth getting really good at. =)
- Just One Thing: Do Better And Save Time With A Blogging Checklist – Make a checklist for more consistency. I like Michael Hyatt’s blogging template (it’s more thorough than that first blog post), although I haven’t yet gotten to that level of awesomeness. Maybe I should do that for at least one post a week, to see what it’s like?
Focus areas and time review
- Business (35.6h – 21%)
- Earn (18.8h – 52% of Business)
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Wednesday half-day[X]
Follow up with SR[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Monday half-day[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Wednesday half-day[ ]
Follow up with B
- Build (12.2h – 34% of Business)
- Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
- Drawing (6.2h)
- Paperwork (1.6h)
Identify five top-rated article writers[X]
Modified BWP Recent Comments widget to rewrite HTTPS URLs to HTTP by subclassing it[X]
Plan business reinvestments[ ]
Rejig 404 page
- Connect (4.5h – 12% of Business)
Sketch Jennifer Okimoto’s talk on social business[ ]
Go to Hacklab members meeting[ ]
Host Visual Thinkers Toronto meetup[ ]
Make a hi-res version of Learn Emacs[ ]
Prepare limitations presentation[ ]
Create Org page
- Earn (18.8h – 52% of Business)
- Relationships (4.4h – 2%)
Go to MEC[X]
Plan get-together?[X]
Set up appointment with U[X]
Try the lentil can[ ]
Go for a walk
- Discretionary – Productive (15.4h – 9%)
Go through Latin Made Simple chapter 1[X]
Replace inner tube[X]
Set up the Colemak keyboard layout[ ]
Try reconstituting dehydrated food- Writing (4.1h)
- Discretionary – Play (18.7h – 11%)
Played more Legend of Heroes
- Personal routines (16.4h – 9%)
- Unpaid work (14.7h – 8%)
- Sleep (64.3h – 38% – average of 9.2 per day)
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