Weekly review: Week ending December 20, 2013
| weeklyMy friends came over for a visit. That was totally awesome! It was great to hang out. We played DC’s deckbuilding game. This week, we’ll be celebrating Sean and Hailyn’s wedding.
This week has been a blur of paperwork and parties. We spent almost sixteen hours stuck in traffic… Boggle!
My dad wants to go on a road trip next week. This should be interesting.
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending December 13, 2013
- Monthly review: November 2013
- Automating bulk web stuff with iMacros
- Read more effectively by asking yourself questions while you read
- Pens are not the limiting factor for writing
- Doodle Thursday: BrainDoodles.net lesson 3 and 4
- Exploring limiting beliefs
Focus areas and time review
- Business (14.8h – 8%)
- Earn (0.0h – 0% of Business)
- Build (14.8h – 100% of Business)
- Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
- Drawing (3.2h)
- Paperwork (11.3h)
- Connect (0.0h – 0% of Business)
- Relationships (46.3h – 27%)
Check Internet connections for speed; set up better line?[X]
Check what the official connection speed should be[X]
Look into archiving photos for easier searchability – cdfinder?[X]
Set up Citibank ATM access again- mhbp
- Started looking into paperwork… Gwah.
- Discretionary – Productive (0.4h – 0%)
- Writing (0.0h)
- Discretionary – Play (11.9h – 7%)
- Discretionary – Travel (15.7h – 9%)
- Personal routines (17.5h – 10%)
- Unpaid work (6.1h – 3%)
- Sleep (57.5h – 34% – average of 8.2 per day)
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