Weekly review: Week ending December 6, 2013
| weeklyBetween jet lag and family, I haven’t had much time to draw or write these days. Things will settle down eventually. =)
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending November 29, 2013
- Quick show update: Learning Together #01, Helpers Help Out #02
- Setting up virtual machines with Vagrant
- Rock those meeting minutes
- Think about your delta: increasing the difference you want to make
- Update: Developing thoughts further
- Making decisions that don’t matter that much to me
Link roundup
- Ben Simon: Dired, Sweet Dired, in emacs on my Galaxy S3: Hmm, maybe I should get Emacs working on my phone too…
- Living like a student: I still live mostly like a student. Actually, I live even more frugally now than I had as a graduate student, because we cook practically all of our meals, get almost all our books and DVDs from the library, buy clothes second-hand, and have stopped watching movies in theatres. Plus I’m tremendously happier! Randomly-assigned roommates are no match for a totally awesome husband. =)
- An introduction to Magit, an Emacs mode for Git: Excellent tutorial for an excellent mode.
- How I Diversified My Blogging Income Beyond Having All My Eggs in the AdSense Basket: I like the breakdown in this post.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (20.2h – 12%)
- Earn (2.3h – 10% of Business)
- Build (11.1h – 58% of Business)
- Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
- Drawing (5.2h)
- Paperwork (0.7h)
- Connect (6.8h – 31% of Business)
- Relationships (29.9h – 17%)
Drop cats off
- Discretionary – Productive (2.0h – 1%)
- Writing (2.0h)
- Discretionary – Play (0.5h – 0%)
- Discretionary – Travel (38.6h – 22%)
- Personal routines (10.5h)
- Unpaid work (12.7h – 7%)
- Sleep (49.1h – 29% – average of 7.0 per day)
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