Weekly review: Week ending January 3, 2014
| weeklyWe're back in Toronto and settling into regular life. I'll resume consulting next week, although I might keep it to 2.5 days a week instead of sliding up to 4 days a week. I really like these days for drawing and contemplation. Anyway, we'll see how things work out!
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending December 27, 2013
- Sharing Google Docs: One link to edit, one link to view
- Learning from online role models
- Year in review: 2013
- Building a habit of drawing with colours
- Thinking about routines after an extended trip
Link roundup
- Diversify Your Network of Sponsors with the 2+1 Rule: Interesting guidance for choosing people within your scope and outside.
- How to Resist Lifestyle Creep and Still Have Everything You Want: It's easier to be frugal if you embrace being eccentric.
- Statistics Done Wrong, a guide to common analysis mistakes: Base rate fallacy is tough!
- Guest post: ERE explained! – Part 2: Because cats. ;) (Well, cats aren't the only reason I like this post.)
- Pre-transition Pronouns: Some Guiding Thoughts: I have friends in the process of becoming on the outside who they are on the inside. This is an interesting perspective.
- The Writing Life And Scaling Up Excellence: You Are What You Do: I love peeks into writers' heads.
- How to Get Really Good at Typography in One Month: Quick primer.
- Self-portrait in acrylic: behind the scenes: Yay Mel!
- Marketing, Frugality, and Fulfillment: Good reminder of a handy visualization and strategy.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (14.3h – 8%)
- Earn (0.0h – 0% of Business)
[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday
- Build (9.3h – 65% of Business)
Set up test mailing list subscriptions[ ]
Reset the TF700- Quantified Awesome (1.1h)
- Drawing (6.0h)
- Paperwork (1.7h)
[ ]
File T4 for myself
- Connect (5.0h – 34% of Business)
[ ]
Connect: Discuss Emacs chats[ ]
Connect: Have lunch with Carsten[X]
Connect: Draw notes for easy ways to track time[X]
Connect: Draw notes for staying on the time-tracking wagon[X]
Connect: Prepare plan for time-tracking workshop
- Earn (0.0h – 0% of Business)
- Relationships (17.7h – 10%)
Go on road trip: Banaue, Bontoc, Sagada, Vigan[X]
Pack for return trip[X]
Reset passwords for my mom[X]
Set up lock screen password for my mom[X]
Set up offline e-mail for my mom[X]
Replace vacuum
- Discretionary – Productive (6.4h – 3%)
[ ]
Reflect on how to ask good questions[ ]
Reflect on what I do with my time and what my balance will be like for the next two months- Writing (6.4h)
Write annual review
- Discretionary – Play (1.8h – 1%)
- Discretionary – Travel (48.8h – 29%)
- Personal routines (25.0h – 14%)
- Unpaid work (9.6h – 5%)
- Sleep (49.3h – 29% – average of 7.0 per day)
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