Weekly review: Week ending March 21, 2014
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyThis week was about Emacs tweaking, screencasts/podcasts, delegating, and talking to people. Next week will be pretty busy too, but maybe I can come up with a better system to keep track of what's going on day by day… =)
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending March 14, 2014
- Replay: Meloney Hall interviewed me about sketchnoting
- Static friction and socializing
- Goal factoring, reflecting on what I can do with my time, and enjoying a buffet of goals
- Contemplating co-op: How can I get to the point of being able to offer a good high school co-op placement?
- Emacs, Evernote (through enscript.exe), and Org links
- Living your dream
Hmm. I didn't post any sketches to Flickr this week. I think it's because my drawing time in the evenings got replaced by Emacs hacking and delegation instead.
Link round-up
- Writing a book with a little help from Emacs and friends: I like reading about how other people use Emacs. Hat tip to Irreal for the link.
- Screencastify Records Action in Your Browser Tab: Hmm, possibly interesting for people who do screencasts. Google Chrome.
- Match the Color and Tone of Any Photo with Three Simple Adjustments: Back when I used stock photos in my presentations, I wanted to make sure the images felt like they fit together. That usually meant a time-consuming search for one artist with a set of images that covered all of my topics. This has some tips for making images look similar. hmm…
- The Rising Tide of Purpose: Pointer to Roger Bootle and creative vs distributive work. TODO – reflect.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (36.9h – 21%)
- ☐ Build – Emacs: Record Emacs Basics video on configuring your Emacs
- ☐ Build – Emacs: Record Emacs Basics video on global-hl-line-mode
- ☐ Connect – podcast: Record third episode
- ☐ Connect – podcast: Register domain name for personal finance show?
- ☐ Connect: Co-host Visual Thinkers Toronto meetup?
- ☐ E2: Set up video 2
- ☐ Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
- Earn (15.6h – 42% of Business)
- ☑ Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
- Build (11.8h – 31% of Business)
- Drawing (1.3h)
- ☑ Change Twitter background
- Delegation (5.3h)
- Packaging (0.0h)
- ☑ Build – Emacs: Record Emacs Basics video for calling commands by name
- Paperwork (0.7h)
- ☑ Figure out how to get Tasker to work with Quantified Awesome better
- ☑ Set up Quantified Awesome development environment again
- Drawing (1.3h)
- Connect (9.6h – 25% of Business)
- ☑ Connect: Hang out with FI community
- Relationships (13.9h – 8%)
- ☑ Get motion detection to work with Raspberry Pi
- ☑ Help Andrew Burke with Emacs
- ☑ Work on project F
- ☐ Raspberry Pi: Learn how to do image analysis to detect changed areas
- ☐ Work on project F
- Discretionary – Productive (12.5h – 7%)
- ☑ Follow up regarding transaction summaries
- ☐ Consider how I want to distinguish between goals
- Writing (1.9h)
- Discretionary – Play (4.2h – 2%)
- Personal routines (26.6h – 15%)
- Unpaid work (10.6h – 6%)
- Sleep (63.2h – 37% – average of 9.0 per day)
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