Started gardening – April 2014

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The weather finally warmed up last weekend. W- and I raked the back yard, and I started planting seeds that would likely survive just in case we get another frost. Spinach, peas, lettuce… I don't know how well the seeds will do, but I want to get things growing again. I can't grow anything indoors because the cats love nibbling on greens, so I'll just have to buy my tomato and basil starts from the garden centres. In the meantime, though, I can experiment with seeds.

The soil feels better now than the sandy mix we started with, although there's always room for improvement. We've added lots of compost to it over the years – mostly manure, but there was a year that our compost heap was active enough to steam. Toronto gives away leaf compost every Saturday, so we might check that out too. We're thinking about ordering compost in bulk this year instead of getting bagged manure from the store. I'll probably put in the compost around the time that we clear out the peas and get started with tomatoes, so I can get some sprouts going while waiting to sort all of that out.

What am I going to change this year? Here are my notes from October 2013:

Gardening notes

I changed my mind about irrigation. I think I'll start by hand-watering the plants. It's not that hard to do, and I've marked the rows a little more clearly now so I know what to expect. I probably won't pay for a landscaping or gardening company. Maybe I can share more notes on our garden and ask folks for tips. I'm looking forward to growing more greens and herbs, and giving bitter melon yet another shot.

I planted the first batch of seeds this weekend, going through many of the leftover seeds from 1-2 years ago. After all, the seeds aren't going to get any fresher, so I may as well plant them and see what sticks. Some of them germinate in a week, so let's see if there'll be any progress.

Yay growing things! (Well, eventually. =) )

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