Weekly review: Week ending June 13, 2014
Posted: - Modified: | review, weeklyI've been taking it easy. Lots of gardening, walking, and even reading comic books or playing video games… =) Good progress on work projects, though! Oh, and some time spent coding – fun!
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending June 6, 2014
- SSL issues after moving to Ubuntu Precise
- Dealing with uncertainty
- Slowly getting the hang of Clojure
- Quantified Awesome: Added sparklines and percentages
- Read Lisp Tweak Emacs Beginner 2/4: How to understand what Emacs Lisp code does
- In the garden
Probably a few, but I haven't scanned them yet. =)
Link round-up
- A Well Oiled Machine: Podcast workflow with automation and delegation.
- BehindTheOverlay Instantly Removes Annoying Overlays from Web Pages: Yes, please. Does not completely work, though.
- Grant Rettke: org-scraps: Oooh, handy.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (32.8h – 19%)
- Earn (18.0h – 54% of Business)
- ☑ Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
- ☑ E1: BW homepage
- ☐ Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
- Build (8.3h – 25% of Business)
- ☑ Add percentage as a review option
- ☑ Work on a 4clojure problem
- ☐ Work on a 4clojure problem
- Drawing (1.1h)
- Delegation (0.0h)
- ☐ Reflect on delegation challenges
- Packaging (0.0h)
- Paperwork (1.8h)
- ☑ Follow up on misdirected mail
- ☑ File payroll return
- Connect (6.5h – 19% of Business)
- Earn (18.0h – 54% of Business)
- Relationships (9.7h – 5%)
- ☑ Attend Hacklab meeting
- ☑ Research real estate
- ☐ Check progress for F2
- Discretionary – Productive (15.6h – 9%)
- Emacs (4.1h – 2% of all)
- ☑ Take notes on people who are interested in taking course, process course steps
- ☑ Review transcript for Christopher Wellons
- ☑ Review transcript for Bozhidar Batsov
- ☑ Prep for call with Mickey Petersen
- ☑ Chat with Tom and Neil about Clojure
- ☑ Chat with Doug regarding sketchnoting
- ☑ Pay invoices
- ☐ Take notes on people who are interested in taking course, process course steps
- ☑ [#C] Track cat data
- ☐ Add compost to back garden
- Writing (2.1h)
- ☑ Realistic expectations, ruthless elimination, and rapid exploration
- Emacs (4.1h – 2% of all)
- Discretionary – Play (14.1h – 8%)
- Personal routines (27.9h – 16%)
- Unpaid work (9.0h – 5%)
- Sleep (58.8h – 34% – average of 8.4 per day)
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