Weekly review: Week ending June 27, 2014
| review, weeklyBlog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending June 20, 2014
- The garden is becoming part of my daily life
- I notice I have cyclic interests
- This is the year I’m going to build an exercise habit
- Read Lisp, Tweak Emacs (Beginner 4/4): “How can I add more features? How do I deal with errors?”
- A long, long weekend
I'm getting quite dreadful at this scanning-in thing. It's probably because it's so sunny out that I rarely want to go down to the basement these days… Perhaps tomorrow!
Link round-up
- Grant Rettke: Emacs Lisp programmers must know about pcase: Hmm, should check this out.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (26.6h – 15%)
- Earn (16.0h – 60% of Business)
- ☑ E1: Attend meeting
- ☐ Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
- Build (6.2h – 23% of Business)
- ☑ Work on a 4clojure problem
- ☐ Work on a 4clojure problem
- Drawing (3.2h)
- Delegation (0.0h)
- Packaging (0.0h)
- Paperwork (0.0h)
- Connect (4.3h – 16% of Business)
- Earn (16.0h – 60% of Business)
- Relationships (11.9h – 7%)
- ☑ Pick up lead testing kit
- ☐ Send claim correction along with note to insurance company
- Discretionary – Productive (8.5h – 5%)
- Emacs (0.0h – 0% of all)
- ☐ Take notes on people who are interested in taking course, process course steps
- ☐ Harvest more greens; clear out a square
- Writing (3.5h)
- Emacs (0.0h – 0% of all)
- Discretionary – Play (6.6h – 3%)
- Personal routines (34.1h – 20%)
- Unpaid work (9.5h – 5%)
- Sleep (70.9h – 42% – average of 10.1 per day)
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