
Posted: - Modified: | canada, life

It definitely feels like summer here. Not quite the dog days yet – there's still a touch of coolness in the air – but sunshine and warmth, hello!

2015-06-24a Summer -- index card #summer #seasons

2015-06-24a Summer – index card #summer #seasons

On my walks, I often play with superimposing my memories of other seasons on the present. I look at the leafy trees and remember their stark branches, or the buds, or the colours. I feel the breeze slip through my sandals and think of the clomping of winter boots, the security of wellingtons. And then I think of the colour and the warmth and the sun of the present, and I bring all those things together. It's an interesting thought exercise that makes things even more vibrant. The practice helps me make winters a little bit better too, when I carry the memories of heat and vibrant colours with me.

2015-06-24b What do I want to tweak this summer -- index card #summer #seasons

2015-06-24b What do I want to tweak this summer – index card #summer #seasons

I'll have only so many summers, after all, so maybe I can learn how to fully enjoy them. I wonder what I'll tweak this time around. Maybe I'll focus on eating more fruits and vegetables. I've been treating myself to yummy fruits on sale, and sometimes even when they're regular-price: strawberries, nectarines, peaches… Soon it'll be time for corn on the cob, then melons.

More sitting in the sunshine or shade, too, with friends or solo. Last year I said yes to more time hanging out in parks, and that was quite enjoyable. =) I wonder if any of the cats will put up with being in a harness if that means they'll get to sun themselves on the deck…

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