2015-11-23 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode
- Start simple
- Pragmatic Emacs: Org-mode basics VI: A simple TODO list
- Many ways to use org-mode
- Org in a mixed Vim/Emacs environment – vim-todoo
- Inline tasks
- Irreal: Asynchronous Python in Org Mode
- Alternative keybindings for navigating through headings
- Tooltips on Emacs commands and variables in org-mode (7:04)
- Discussion of how to make estimates for tasks
- Configuration
- Coding
- Quickly look up x86 assembly documentation
- Endless Parentheses: Test-Driven-Development in CIDER and Emacs
- Endless Parentheses: Update on tdd-mode with CIDER
- Marcin Borkowski: The Emacs widget library and automatic modification of editing fields
- Not Wizardry! – Set Emacs for Javascript (14:53)
- Rust-Mode – Working with Rust in Emacs (7:31)
- Others
- systemclip – use the system clipboard from console Emacs
- Resizing windows
- Emacs at work – things aside from software development
- emacspeak: Emacspeak 43.0 (SoundDog) Unleashed!
- Pragmatic Emacs: Delete (non) matching lines
- sachachua: 2015-11-18 Emacs Hangout
- Maybe we should try not calling Emacs Lisp “programming”…
- A CEO’s guide to Emacs
- Dev news
- Emacs development changelog
- emacs-devel
- New packages on MELPA
- badwolf-theme: Bad Wolf color theme
- diredful: colorful file names in dired buffers
- elogcat: logcat interface
- extempore-mode: Emacs major mode for Extempore source files
- flycheck-css-colorguard: Detect similar colors in CSS
- hoa-mode: Major mode for the Hanoi Omega Automata format
- multi-line: multi-line statements
- yaml-tomato: copy or show the yaml path currently under cursor.
- z3-mode: A z3/SMTLIBv2 interactive development environment
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.