2015-12-07 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginner tips:
- Navigation:
- Coding:
- Naming and saving macros for repetitive tasks
- Improving Lua support in etags
- Autocompletion for Swift on Emacs
- ESUP: Emacs Start-Up Profiler
- Tracking your side project’s performance using Emacs, Org-mode, and Python’s Scipy stack
- next-error-follow-minor-mode (automatically opens files from search and compilation buffers)
- Swift/Xcode auto completion on emacs, beat vim to it!
- An example of using Emacs 25 dynamic modules to evaluate Ruby code
- Emacspeak:
- Elfeed (an RSS/ATOM reader):
- Emacs and operating systems:
- Other:
- EMMS and Hydra
- Emacs and writers – What novels have been written with emacs?
- Emacs auto-completion for non-programmers
- The Design of the Emacs Logo: Part II (2003)
- Show all processes in proced
- Long discussion of what Emacs can’t do (yet)
- Setting up gnus in emacs – simple how-to
- Using Rsync as an alternative to TRAMP
- Making my to-do list more detailed; process versus outcome
- xbm-life – Conway’s Game of Life using Emacs’ support for XBM images
- Emacs devel:
- Explanation of master vs emacs-25
- Discussion of new draft for Emacs website (also on Reddit)
- Discussion about whether lax matching is a good or bad default
- Better handling of window margins when multiple packages want to display information
- New packages
- angular-mode: Major mode for Angular.js
- borland-blue-theme: Blue/yellow theme based on old DOS Borland/Turbo C IDE
- character-fold+: Extensions to `character-fold.el’
- cheatsheet: create your own cheatsheet
- elfeed-goodies: Elfeed goodies
- flycheck-gometalinter: flycheck checker for gometalinter
- github-issues: Emacs utility functions and modes for managing GitHub projects’ issues
- haskell-tab-indent: tab-based indentation for haskell-mode
- java-imports: Code for dealing with Java imports
- mb-url: Multiple Backends for Emacs URL package.
- selectric-mode: IBM Selectric mode for Emacs
- sibilant-mode: Support for the Sibilant programming language
- sproto-mode: Major mode for editing sproto.
- python: Python’s flying circus support for Emacs
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.