2015-12-28 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Navigation:
- Use Ivy-mode to tweak workgroups2 (Reddit)
- Faster pop-to-mark command: Go back to the last place – C-u C-SPC
- popup-imenu – select imenu items via popup window with fuzzy matching (Reddit)
- super-save – save Emacs buffers when they lose focus (Reddit)
- 10 emacs productivity plugins (Reddit) – see suggested substitutions in the comments
- ivy+flx for fuzzy matching
- Evil: map unused “namespace” in operator-pending commands (like vim-impaired)
- Display:
- Adjusting text size in Emacs: C-x C-+ C-+ C-+, etc.
- Evil Mode hack for a colorful mode line
- Spellchecking in Emacs: flyspell, ispell
- Using a different colour scheme for M-x shell
- Coding:
- Community:
- Emacs development:
- Rant: Obfuscation in Emacs: inhibit-startup-echo-area-message is special (Reddit)
- Elang – a small Python-like language for the Emacs VM (Reddit)
- Changes
- erc-related fixes: also, async, proxy, tls
- IDNA domain encode/decode
- URL parsing
- eww-related changes: colours, meta-refresh, file name coding, history, left-to-right, checkboxes, filenames
- clipboard even without interprogram-*
- dired – W views files in browser
- emacs-devel discussions
- Other:
- Clock in and get-shit-done: Disable social media sites temporarily
- Running external executables from Emacs Lisp: start-process, shell-command
- How can I implement “twiddle case” in emacs?
- Using emacs org mode for fitness – YouTube (7:46)
- 011 Editing Files with Emacs – YouTube (5:40) – beginner tutorial
- New packages:
- ac-html-angular: Auto complete angular15 data for `ac-html’ and `company-web’
- cff: Search of the C/C++ file header by the source and vice versa
- clean-buffers: Clean useless buffers
- crux: Miscellaneous commands such as crux-open-with, crux-view-url, crux-swap-windows
- dim: Change mode-line names of major/minor modes
- elisp-lint: Basic linting for Emacs Lisp
- git-command: Yet another Git interface
- helm-img: Utilities for making image sources for helm.
- helm-img-tiqav: An helm-source for joking.
- helm-xcdoc: Search Xcode Document by docsetutil and eww with helm interface
- import-js: Import Javascript dependencies
- kooten-theme: Dark color theme
- latex-math-preview: preview LaTeX mathematical expressions.
- platformio-mode: PlatformIO integration
- popup-imenu: Imenu index popup
- super-save: Auto-save buffers, based on your activity.
- verify-url: Find invalid URLs in the buffer or region
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.