2016-02-08 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginners:
- Get Emacs – http://emacs.link/ – Aaron Schumacher's cross-platform, how-to-get-emacs website (Reddit)
- Tips for a beginner moving away from GUI IDEs?
- Emacs Installation 0 (2:53) – Mac OS X
- Configuration:
- What's some small thing in your dotemacs that you couldn't live without?
- How to make emacs stop split-screen when M-x shell'ing? – display-buffer-alist
- Managing Spacemacs settings in git?
- Emacs pinky….
- Changing basic key-binds in Evil? – evil-normal-state-map
- Changing behaviour on select current line function
- Is there a way to change the init.el location on startup?
- How to keep region marked after copying?
- Org Mode:
- How to use org-mode with evernote as storage? – Syncthing, Dropbox, Git, Google Drive, etc.
- Is there any way to integrate Evernote into my Emacs GTD workflow? – emacs-geeknote
- Enable wordwrap in org-mode?
- Blogging using org-mode (and nothing else)
- Email:
- Email attachment reminders in mu4e
- An attachment reminder in mu4e – should also work for Gnus; more interactive
- Ma Gnus v0.16 is released
- Publishing Emacs News as plain text, HTML, and attached Org file
- Grab email address in Gnus
- Coding:
- Auto-indent your code with aggressive-indent-mode
- A Magit Tip – ! to run git commands
- gruvbox dark ported to GNU Emacs with better support for various modes (Reddit)
- Solve practice problems in elisp (among others) (Reddit)
- Better compile buffer? – auto-close, multi-compile, dedicated window
- How to normalize indentation for different projects?
- Today's xkcd reminds me of Emacs Lisp regexes (Reddit) – see Reddit thread for regexp tips
- Emacs development:
- Other:
- Ogbe on Why He Uses Emacs – TRAMP, dired, Org Mode, mu4e, MATLAB
- New `helm-describe-modes` package
- Just had a “wow, Emacs is smart” moment – kill-compilation
- Switching from Emacs to Vim (actually Spacemacs)
- Vim to Emacs+Evil Users, thoughts on Neovim?
- Emacs.el Episode 4 Interview with John W. is out! also, Youtube – 35:30
- Role-playing with Emacs – Episode 02 (11:14) – more of a presentation
- The Touch of Emacs (2:41) – an Emacs jukebox on a touch screen
- emacs-friends: an emacs package to open the current file with other applications (5:33)
- New packages:
- blog-admin: Blog admin for emacs with hexo/org-page supported
- cabledolphin: capture Emacs network traffic
- dired-atool: Pack/unpack files with atool on dired.
- dumb-jump: Dumb jumping to variable and function definitions
- evalator-clojure: Clojure evaluation context for evalator via CIDER.
- latex-unicode-math-mode: Input method for Unicode math symbols
- mu-cite: A library to provide MIME features.
- omtose-phellack-theme: A dark, soothing theme with a cold bluish touch.
- org-dp: Declarative Local Programming with Org Elements
- org-random-todo: notify of random TODO's
- replace-pairs: Query-replace pairs of things
- xml+: Utilities for xml and html trees
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, EmacsWiki:RecentChanges, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.