2016-02-15 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginner tips:
- Navigation:
- Configuration:
- Running two instances simultaneously, with different dotfiles. Is it possible? env
- Autocorrecting typos in Emacs (2:46)
- Disable annoying audio notifications
- Great tip to reduce init-time (workaround for TRAMP's bug) (Reddit)
- Quick .emacs snippet to automatically use emacsclient if Emacs is already running
- Dedicated company completion for your shell (Reddit)
- How to transfer my emacs setup to a different workstation? (specifically the plugins)
- Learnt some new modes from this page … (Reddit)
- solving Emacs pinky problem on the macbook (2:00)
- Org Mode:
- Configurations for beautifying Emacs org mode
- Org-mode: Start a numbered list from any number
- Switch to nlinum Immediately – good for Org Mode and large files
- Small hack to let orgmode babel JS blocks use skewer if it's currently connected
- Get org-mode on iOs with Editorial app: functions linked
- How to specify which tex engine for org latex export
- Coding:
- Implementing pwdw pwdc, a summary of manipulating directory name strings in Emacs lisp
- What's your workflow; running a shell with localhost server for development?
- Smartparens for C-like modes?
- Parinfer in Emacs Lisp (Hacker News)
- Emacs Aggressive Indent Demo (0:53)
- {EN} Hacking Emacs and Brains — Morning Tsoding #24 (1:02:29) Developing a brainfuck compiler to Emacs Lisp
- Emacs development:
- Other:
- #ilovefs: Why GNU Emacs? (Reddit, Hacker News)
- Adding mu4e Support To Emacs (the hard way) (Reddit)
- Linting prose in Emacs (Reddit)
- Alex Schroeder: New Look for Emacs Wiki
- An Emacs QR encoder (no external tools)
- Pdf Tools – faster than docview
- End of an era? (Magit's maintainer is taking a “break”)
- My path to emacs
- How to Order Salads From Inside Emacs (40:33)
- emacs glass demo (5:42)
- Emacs Keyboard Macro Demo 1 (1:58)
- New packages:
- alda-mode: A simple major mode for the musical programming language Alda
- auto-virtualenv: Auto activate python virtualenvs
- company-shell: Company mode backend for shell functions
- ebf: brainfuck language transpiler to Emacs Lisp
- erc-hipchatify: Provide emoticons and html rendering for HipChat
- foggy-night-theme: Dark low contrast theme with soft and muted colors.
- helm-describe-modes: Helm interface to major and minor modes.
- ob-go: org-babel functions for go evaluation
- ob-scala: org-babel functions for scala evaluation
- pov-mode: Major mode for editing POV-Ray scene files.
- sly-repl-ansi-color: Add ANSI colors support to the sly mrepl.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, EmacsWiki:RecentChanges, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.