2016-03-14 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Navigation:
- Email:
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Endless Parentheses: Conditional breakpoints in the CIDER Debugger
- Emacs vs Sublime Text on Salesforce development (Reddit)
- ‘No frills' theme for Emacs code buffers
- What's the best approach for byte-compiling el files with dependencies from a Makefile
- Package of the day: company-statistics records which completions you use and sorts those first! (Reddit)
- Syntax highlighting for Caffe/Prototxt files
- Function to “verticalize” a sequence
- Customizable Lisp reader for Emacs (Reddit)
- linux log files syntax highlight
- Conditional breakpoints in the CIDER Debugger
- Autocompletion in Emacs: what to do?
- Emacs restclient (0:34)
- Emacs development:
- Other:
- New packages:
- aa-edit-mode: Major mode for editing AA
- ace-mc: Add multiple cursors quickly using ace jump
- arbitools: Package for chess tournaments administration
- assess: Test support functions
- auto-pause: Run processes which will be paused when Emacs is idle
- cheerilee: Toolkit library
- chinese-conv: Conversion between Chinese Characters with opencc or cconv
- click-mode: Major mode for the Click Modular Router Project
- command-queue: shell command queue
- company-dict: A backend that emulates ac-source-dictionary
- company-ngram: N-gram based completion
- coverage: Code coverage line highlighting
- dark-mint-theme: dark & minty fresh theme
- eink-theme: E Ink color theme
- elm-yasnippets: Yasnippets for Elm
- emacsist-view: Mode for viewing emacsist.com
- ess-view: View R dataframes in a spreadsheet software
- evil-extra-operator: Evil operator for evaluating codes, taking notes, searching via google, etc.
- evil-mu4e: evil-based key bindings for mu4e
- evil-multiedit: multiple cursors for evil-mode
- excorporate: Exchange integration
- exwm-x: Addition tools for exwm (emacs x window manager)
- gams-mode: Major mode for editing GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) files.
- general: Convenience wrappers for keybindings.
- go-gopath: Will guess GOPATH using gb and projectile.
- go-guru: Integration of the Go ‘guru' analysis tool into Emacs.
- grails: Minor mode for Grails projects
- harvest: Harvest integration
- helm-clojuredocs: search for help in clojuredocs.org
- helm-purpose: Helm Interface for Purpose
- hexo: Major mode & tools for Hexo
- itasca: Major modes for Itasca software data files.
- magit-p4: git-p4 plug-in for Magit
- mozc-temp: Use mozc temporarily
- nix-sandbox: Utility functions to work with nix-shell sandboxes
- ob-redis: Execute Redis queries within org-mode blocks.
- ob-sagemath: org-babel functions for SageMath evaluation
- ob-sly: org-babel functions for common lisp evaluation with SLY.
- opencl-mode: Syntax coloring for opencl kernels
- org-clock-convenience: convenience functions for org time tracking
- ox-jira: JIRA Backend for Org Export Engine
- persistent-overlays: Minor mode to store selected overlays to be loaded later
- play-routes-mode: Play Framework Routes File Support
- projectile-direnv: Set environment variables from .envrc
- punpun-theme: A bleak theme
- rats: Rapid testing suite for Go
- realgud-byebug: realgud front-end to the Ruby byebug debugger
- realgud-old-debuggers: realgud front-end to older lesser-used debuggers
- realgud-pry: realgud front-end to the Ruby pry debugger
- realgud-rdb2: realgud front-end for interacting with Ruby debugger2
- robots-txt-mode: Major mode for editing robots.txt
- sed-mode: Major mode to edit sed scripts
- select-themes: Color theme selection with completing-read
- silkworm-theme: Light theme with pleasant, low contrast colors.
- slime-docker: Integration of SLIME with Docker containers.
- sly-quicklisp: A template SLY contrib
- smblog: samba log viewer
- sprunge: Upload pastes to sprunge.us
- sudo-edit: Utilities for opening files with sudo
- tramp-theme: Custom theme for remote buffers
- url-http-ntlm: NTLM authentication for the url library
- vhdl-capf: Completion at point function (capf) for vhdl-mode.
- wttrin: Emacs frontend for weather web service wttr.in
- yoshi-theme: Theme named after my cat
- zenity-color-picker: Insert and adjust colors using Zenity
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.