Monthly review: May 2016

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A- has gotten a lot more interactive. She coos and smiles often, yay! She's also starting to grasp things and put them in her mouth, and is developing a personality. My first Mother's Day was an excellent opportunity to reflect on the things I've been learning so far. It's been a surprisingly good adventure, and rumour has it that it will get even better.

This month I was mostly preoccupied with A-‘s slow weight gain, but things are starting to settle down. The tests are coming back normal, so maybe she's really just a small baby. We're treating thrush in her mouth, and I'm counting my lucky stars that it hasn't been passed to me yet. I built a weight visualization chart so that I could easily see the weight trends based on the locations at which the measurements were taken, and I started tracking more details in terms of diaper and nursing.

Ching came over for A-‘s 100-day celebration with W-‘s family, yay! She brought a GoPro as a gift from my family, and we've been taking short videos. It's fun to see A- gradually developing skills.

On my consulting gig, I finally got around to trying add-on development. Progress is slow, but progress is progress. =)

A little bit of sewing for A-: a reversible bonnet (that matches two of my blouses, fun!), a party dress out of red silk brocade, and a zippered pouch to hold a few diapers and wipes.

Next month: Medical stuff – A- is going under anaesthesia so that the ocularist can make an impression of her eye socket, for making custom-fit conformers. W- is going on parental leave starting June 20, too. Much happening!

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