Weekly review: Week ending June 3, 2016

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A-'s weight gain improved this week, hooray! 24g/day based on her measurements at the pediatrician (within the expected 20-30g/day range) and a slightly more sedate 16g/day based on the breastfeeding clinic's measurements. It's probably still too early to relax, but this is promising. Pretty normal results from genetics and hematology, too. Thrush seemed to be clear on Friday, but I saw two new white spots today, so we might see the pediatrician again for another look. Skating along between the 5th and 3rd percentile curves…

I managed to put together a short presentation on tracking baby-data for the Quantified Self Toronto meetup on June 1. I shared my experience wrapping a custom interface around the Baby Connect website so that I could track nursing and diaper changes despite being sleepy and easily distracted.

It's been a good week for gardening. W- picked up three bags of composted sheep manure and two bags of black mulch. I planted the bitter melon seedlings that his mother gave us, and some Thai basil I bought on the way back from the breastfeeding clinic.

Barbecue season, too. I made chicken souvlaki to use some of the oregano that's totally taking over one of the garden boxes, and there's still more oregano for the picking. Continuing with the theme, I made Greek salad too. Mmm.

A- is getting better at grasping soft objects and manipulating things so that she can get them into her mouth. The crinkly book that Morgan and Cathy gave us is her new favourite. I should make more crinkly things, too! A- has also been blowing spitbubbles and flapping her lips at us. More interactivity, yay. She's a little bit fussier than she was last week, but that's normal.

I've been drawing late at night, after A- is in bed. This lets me keep my daily journal in greater detail, while the thoughts are fresh, and gives me more opportunities to learn and follow up. I'm going through lots of board books to get a sense of what I like, and I'm getting additional observation+drawing practice by copying drawings from the books. Multi-purpose!

I've been up a little earlier, too, since I can squeeze in a little coding or reading while waiting for A- to wake up. Starting to get the hang of what I can save for when she's calm or playing with her book. Laundry and tidying up work well – easy to interrupt, and I can talk while doing things.

This week: See if I need to take A- to the pediatrician again, continue tracking weight and focusing on feeding, help Jen, and have pre-op anaesthesia nursing call.

2016-06-05b Week ending 2016-06-03 -- index card #journal #weekly output weight (9)

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Focus areas and time review

  • Business (4.7h – 2%)
    • Earn (3.6h – 76% of Business)
    • Build (0.2h – 3% of Business)
    • Connect (0.9h – 19% of Business)
  • Relationships (4.5h – 2%)
    • ☑ Make quick presentation for Quantified Self
    • ☑ Go to Quantified Self meetup for June 2016
  • Discretionary – Productive (12.0h – 7%)
    • Emacs (0.7h)
    • Coding (0.1h)
    • Sewing (0.0h)
    • Writing (1.6h)
  • Discretionary – Play (1.1h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (23.0h – 13%)
  • Unpaid work (66.3h – 39%)
    • Childcare (51.2h – 30% of total)
  • Sleep (56.3h – 33% – average of 8.0 per day)

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