Weekly review: Week ending July 8, 2016

| review, weekly

A quiet week compared to the previous one. A-‘s alpha fetoprotein test came back normal, although the pediatrician would like an MRI just in case.

A- seems to be shifting her sleeping patterns a little. She's a bit more awake during the day, with 2-3 naps – mostly 30 minutes, but occasionally longer. She's been having fun blowing lip raspberries, and has also tried rapidly squeezing with her hands a few times.

It wasn't all fun and games, though. She had her first struggle with constipation, the poor dear. All we could do was hold her (and take bananas off the menu). It was a good opportunity to reflect on pain and comfort and what to do when you can't do much. I can't solve all her problems. That's outside my control. I can, however, choose my response to what life brings, and I can help regulate her state as well. I'm sure there will be many situations like that in the future, so it'll be useful for me to think about things when we're not in the thick of it.

Lots of paperwork this week. I renewed my health card, and I filed the paperwork for reacquiring Philippine citizenship, including A- in my application. In retrospect, I could probably have asked for additional copies of A-‘s adorably serious-looking ID pictures, but ah well. =) The important thing is that it's done. I could probably have postponed it until I needed it, I guess, but it's better to have it sorted out ahead of time. Ditto for passport renewals. My mom thinks that may come in handy for identification in the Philippines, so I'll keep that current. No big deal, just two afternoons and some money every five years or so.

Speaking of the Philippines – I helped W- move the BBQ back after he sanded and stained the deck, and we had fun trying out the recipe from the Reddit post on Filipino BBQ-sytle chicken. Vietnamese bun is becoming more familiar, too. Yum!

I've also signed up for the peer nutrition program in Tagalog. That promises to be interesting. Take advantage of all the city services! It is totally awesome that the City of Toronto has services for different cultures. I hope it's a way for me to pick up more everyday vocabulary. We're trying to expose A- to Cantonese and Tagalog, and there are big gaping holes in my vocabulary that I don't want to plug with English words unless I have to.

I'm starting to get the hang of building add-ons for my consulting client. It would be great to get a good pipeline of those going: lots of little projects that will eventually make it into production. Then I can add more complex projects on top of that, once we've got a good foundation of value.

Top priority is A-, though. Next week is pretty open, and then she's getting her first prosthesis the week after that. W- started his parental leave at the perfect time. I'm so glad we can work on figuring out all this stuff together.

2016-07-10a Week ending 2016-07-08 -- index card #journal #weekly output

Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (7.5h – 4%)
    • Earn (5.8h – 77% of Business)
    • Build (1.7h – 22% of Business)
    • Connect (0.0h – 0% of Business)
  • Relationships (0.3h – 0%)
    • ☑ Call Healthiest Babies Possible
  • Discretionary – Productive (5.9h – 3%)
    • Drawing (2.4h)
    • Emacs (0.0h)
      • ☐ [#A] Do another Emacs News review
    • Coding (0.0h)
    • Sewing (0.0h)
    • Writing (0.8h)
    • ☑ Cancel Evernote, move off it
    • ☑ Check MBNA credit card
  • Discretionary – Play (0.0h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (18.9h – 11%)
  • Unpaid work (66.9h – 39%)
    • Childcare (54.5h – 32% of total)
  • Sleep (68.5h – 40% – average of 9.8 per day)
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