Weekly review: Week ending September 9, 2016

Posted: - Modified: | review, weekly

A-‘s steadily catching up in terms of weight, hooray! We aren't doing anything special, just letting her feed herself. We've added kamut puffs and Toodle-Os to her snacking options, and we've been introducing her to more of our regular meals. She's catching up with the 10th percentile curve, yay. We took her for another checkup at the cardiologist, who says she should be okay for travel. Yay!

We started with the Make the Connection program offered by Toronto Public Health. It looks promising: TTC tokens, a little bit of a program like the Ontario Early Years Centre drop-ins, and some discussion on parenting and building secure attachments. I really appreciate how Canada has programs like these.

A- is getting much better at sitting independently, inching her way forward when crawling, and exploring toys. I even managed to squeeze in some time to help W- make lots of pork and chive dumplings.

We moved all the upstairs furniture around so that someone could come in and stretch the carpet. That took care of the ripples and of the edge leading up to J-‘s new closet. One of the seams has opened up, though, so the person who did the carpet may have to come in and do that bit again.

It took a bit of bleary-eyed typing and clicking, but I got my business books reconciled up to the current month. That should make it easier to file corporate taxes. Whee!

I finally got around to taking advantage of the free Linode memory upgrade. Still have to think of

, though. It might be better to downgrade plans, considering I haven't implemented that many additional uses since the last time I thought about this question (2014, I think, when Linode went SSD and double RAM?). On the other hand, it would be interesting to expand my capabilities, and maybe also get a proper Emacs setup on it and other useful things. Hmm, let's start with owncloud, maybe…

2016-09-13c-week-ending-2016-09-09-journal-weekly output

Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (3.0h – 1%)
    • ☐ Earn: E1: 1-2 days of consulting
    • Earn (1.0h – 33% of Business)
    • Build (1.9h – 63% of Business)
    • Connect (0.1h – 3% of Business)
  • Relationships (7.4h – 4%)
  • Discretionary – Productive (6.9h – 4%)
    • Drawing (4.7h)
    • Emacs (0.3h)
    • Coding (1.2h)
      • ☑ Fix website
      • ☑ Fix weight display labels
    • Sewing (0.0h)
    • Writing (0.0h)
  • Discretionary – Play (2.4h – 1%)
  • Personal routines (20.1h – 11%)
  • Unpaid work (75.9h – 45%)
    • Childcare (70.3h – 41% of total)
  • Sleep (52.4h – 31% – average of 7.5 per day)


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