2016-11-07 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Org 9.0 released (Reddit)
- New link features in org 9 (hat-tip to Irreal for the link)
- Better equation numbering in LaTeX fragments in org-mode
- Justifying LaTeX preview fragments in org-mode
- Sending html emails from org-mode with org-mime
- Pomodoro in Emacs
- Tip for exporting JavaScript source block to `<script>` tags in HTML export
- Coding:
- Other:
- Tutorial introduction to searching in Emacs (Reddit)
- Displaying nonexistent text in Emacs buffers
- Add the system clipboard to the Emacs kill-ring
- Yesterbox in emacs with mu4e
- I just tried spacemacs for two weeks. Here are my impressions.
- Dashboard – A shameless extraction of Spacemac’s startup screen.
- tile – cycle through pre-defined layouts à la XMonad
- Vanquishing Emacs' display-buffer for use with i3 (Reddit)
- Repeatable interactive commands hack (Reddit)
- Using Emacs – 18 – Narrowing and iedit (Reddit)
- What exactly is the Insidious Big Brother Database (BDBB)?
- counsel-bbdb 0.0.1
- Emacs standing alone on a Linux kernel (2004) (HN)
- Writing Thesis with Emacs + AUCTeX + Yasnippet (14:34)
- Emacs development:
- New packages:
- cmd-to-echo: Show the output of long-running commands in the echo area
- debian-bug: report a bug to Debian's bug tracking system
- debian-changelog-mode: major mode for Debian changelog files.
- drone: Launch your drone test suite if drone.yml is present
- html-to-hiccup: Convert HTML to Hiccup syntax
- persp-fr: In persp-mode, show perspective list in the GUI window title
- rjsx-mode: Real support for JSX
- textx-mode: Major mode for editing TextX files
- tile: Tile windows with layouts
- wordgen: Random word generator
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.