2017-01-30 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-newsI shuffled the sections around a bit to emphasize Emacs Lisp and Emacs development, based on John Wiegley’s suggestion. Enjoy!
- Beginner:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Discussion of syncing Org in Emacs master, and plans for ELPA in Emacs 26
- Discussion of defaults for -predicate and -function variables
- New Gnus command for sorting by read marks – C-c C-s C-m C-m
- Gnus .newsrc will now be saved only for NNTP select methods
- car and cdr compositions cXXXr and cXXXXr now part of Emacs Lisp (ex: caddr)
- Org Mode:
- Tools for making good documentation? Org-mode or some other tools?
- How to archive all DONE tasks under the current sub-tree
- Best method for orgmode Google calendar integration?
- Recommendations for professional quality styling of exported org documents ( PDF, ODT )
- ob-ipython and inline figures in org-mode
- Evil:
- New packages:
- eziam-theme: A mostly monochrome color theme, inspired by Tao and Leuven. Comes with dark and light background.
- flycheck-dialyxir: flycheck checker for elixir dialyxir
- flycheck-dogma: flycheck checker for elixir dogma
- fn: Concise anonymous functions for Emacs Lisp
- frames-only-mode: Use frames instead of Emacs windows
- fuff: Find files with findutils.
- hacker-typer: Pretend to write code like a pro
- inline-docs: Show inline contextual docs.
- major-mode-icons: display icon for major-mode on mode-line.
- mmm-jinja2: MMM submode class for Jinja2 Templates
- org-parser: parse org files into structured datatypes.
- psgml: SGML-editing mode with parsing support
- salt-mode: Major mode for Salt States
- socyl: Frontend for several search tools
- test-c: quickly test c code
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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