Weekly review: Week ending January 20, 2017
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The ocularist is trying a different style of conformer. It has a ridge and a curve to catch her lower eyelid. The new conformer has been coming out a little less frequently, but it's still every day or so. I try to keep A-'s hands away from her face, although sometimes she really insists on rubbing and scratching when she's sleepy or just waking up. I also took A- to the eyeglasses store to try on pairs. She's in between sizes in the Miraflex line, so we'll try again in a few months.
I took A- to the JFRC and the OEYC for socialization. She's back to being comfortable in those spaces, I think. I also took her to the breastfeeding clinic to check her weight. 7.84kg puts her comfortably over the 15th percentile curve, yay her!
Since A- has been so interested in our forks and spoons, we got her a fork, which she enthusiastically mashes into her saucer and manoeuvres into her mouth. Sometimes she even manages to pick up food with it. We also got her a toothbrush and a hairbrush. She seems to enjoy using the toothbrush after meals. We haven't added any baby toothpaste yet – it's more for getting her used to stuff in her mouth. I brush her hair after brushing mine. Sometimes she tries to imitate me, and sometimes she just plays with the brush when it's her turn. She'll get the hang of it eventually.
We've been encouraging more physical activity as a way of helping her build up her appetite and take in more nutrients. This usually takes the form of hide-and-seek, which gets her crawling after us at a decent clip. She's also been working on fine motor control: stuffing Duplo into various containers (including sleepers and pant cuffs), emptying and filling the toy egg carton, and playing with books. She was a little interested in the crayons brought by the family home visitor, although she doesn't seem to deliberately make marks yet. Anyway, since we want to model what to do with them, I've been able to sketch a little – mostly the back of her head while she plays with W-.
I've been drawing more on my tablet PC, too. This little experiment of drawing a memory in more detail and colour is helping me observe more carefully, and it's fun. We'll see if it's worth the additional 10-15 minutes or so.
I did a little bit of consulting – a couple of SQL queries and a little Node script to analyze a thread. Thought about a bigger project, too, but I'm not sure I have the brainspace to build something custom for them.
I've been working on moving more things off Windows so that I can stay in Linux more often. After looking into alternatives to TurboTax for my corporate income tax returns, I decided to convert my QuickBooks records to Ledger. I've been using Ledger for my personal finances for more than a decade, and I like how manageable plain text is, especially with report command lines and commentary in Org Mode. I found a Perl script to convert QuickBooks data to Ledger format. After modifying it to deal with Canadian spelling, I converted my data and started reviewing it. So far, so good. My bank balances match up, at least. There are a bunch of other things I want to pay close attention to (year-end entries and so on), but overall, it looks promising.
I also cleared out the tablet I was using as a baby monitor, replacing it with W-'s old phone. That works just as fine as a baby monitor, and it works out better than the tablet did as a backup device for when my phone's battery runs out. The phone is easier to hold and type on, and it's less glaring. More writing, yay!
While I've been taking care of A- and writing while nursing, W- has totally taken over cooking for dinner, which is awesome. Pad thai, pasta, shepherd's pie (with ground lamb, even) – yum yum yum. Life is good.
Blog posts
- Parenting
- Weekly review: Week ending January 13, 2017
- 2017-01-16 Emacs News
- Getting coding back into my life
- What do I want to think through when writing on my phone?
- Journal
- 2017-01-15a Week ending 2017-01-13 #journal #weekly
- 2017-01-14a Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-15b Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-16a Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-17a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-18a Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-19a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-20a Friday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-17b When W- can play with A- #parenting #time
- 2017-01-17c Late-night discretionary time tweaks #time
Focus areas and time review
- Business (3.9h – 2%)
- Earn (1.9h – 48% of Business)
- ☑ Thread analysis
- ☐ Earn: E1: 1-2 hours of consulting
- Build (1.2h – 30% of Business)
- Connect (0.8h – 21% of Business)
- Earn (1.9h – 48% of Business)
- Relationships (0.1h – 0%)
- ☑ Print prescription for A-
- ☑ Try another conformer
- Discretionary – Productive (4.3h – 2%)
- Drawing (3.5h)
- Emacs (0.4h)
- Writing (0.1h)
- Discretionary – Play (1.8h – 1%)
- Personal routines (21.6h – 12%)
- Unpaid work (73.2h – 43%)
- Childcare (63.6h – 37% of total)
- Sleep (63.1h – 37% – average of 9.0 per day)