Weekly review: Week ending February 10, 2017
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A- now has a pair of upper teeth to match her bottom teeth. Whee! She's been chomping her way through cucumbers and clementines, and has even threatened their use in the defence of chicken drumsticks.
A-'s sleep has been a bit irregular, with more fussiness and late nights. Probably related to the emergence of her upper teeth, or possibly a reaction to the chocolate cake we've been having as W- prepares for A-'s first birthday party. Ah well! That's all part of life. We're adapting quite nicely to life with interruptions.
This week's home visit focused on cruising, which A- picked up readily. She can now edge her way along the sofa in order to reach something she wants.
Also, all of a sudden, A- can stack rings on a pole. Not in order, but still! Neat. She hadn't gotten much practice with it because we were focusing on stacking blocks. Every so often, I took it out and let her help me push the rings down the pole. This week, she started doing it all by herself, using a finger to help her centre the ring on the pole. By golly. Maybe she'll be all right even without stereopsis for depth perception.
An impromptu experiment by W- also confirmed that A- can predict that stuff dropped into a tube should come out the other end. Neat!
W- took care of A- long enough for me to cook quinoa-stuffed peppers one night, shake and bake chicken, curry and roast veg another night, and biscotti on the weekend. I enjoyed making lots of food. It was a rare opportunity to cook for two hours in a row.
Also for party prep and general spring cleaning: W- managed to sell the large glass coffee table I'd bought almost ten years ago for my apartment. One more thing out the door, hooray!
My parents got the go-ahead to send their passports for Canadian visas, yay! The online application process was pretty convenient, actually. Anyway, W- tested a possible sleeping arrangement by bunking in with A- and me in A-'s room. Not particularly comfortable, though, so we might need to switch things up a bit more. It will be nice to have them over. A- will probably be 18 months old when they visit, which is a great time for vocabulary acquisition and other good things.
In the meantime, life continues as normal. I managed to do a little consulting, updating some code and unearthing some other code I'd forgotten about. Someday I'll be able to take on bigger projects, but at the moment, it's good to do whatever I can.
Next week: taking A- to the cardiologist, looking into the Let's Get Started program, and letting her explore all sorts of messy things during sensory play day. Whee!
Blog posts
- 2017-02-06a Week ending 2017-02-03 #journal #weekly
- 2017-02-04a Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-05a Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-06b Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-07a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-08a Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-09a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-10b Friday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-10a January 2017 #monthly #review
Focus areas and time review
- Business (2.3h – 1%)
- Earn (2.3h – 99% of Business)
- Relationships (0.4h – 0%)
- Discretionary – Productive (4.8h – 2%)
- Drawing (3.8h)
- Emacs (0.5h)
- Discretionary – Play (3.6h – 2%)
- Personal routines (14.7h – 8%)
- Unpaid work (76.8h – 45%)
- Childcare (65.9h – 39% of total)
- Sleep (65.4h – 38% – average of 9.3 per day)