Weekly review: Week ending February 17, 2017
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A- was not at all happy during the exam at the cardiologist, so they couldn't get a clear reading. Still, it seems that both her ventricular septal defect and muscle bundle are relatively stable, so the cardiologist there and the one at Sick Kids are okay with doing the next follow-up in August. We've borrowed a toy stethoscope from the Junction Family Resource Centre so that we can help A- become more familiar with it. Maybe that will make next week's 12-month pediatrician visit a bit better, too.
I took A- to the sensory play day at the Junction Family Resource Centre. The facilitators had prepared bins of water, cooked pasta, jelly, applesauce, and dough. A- liked splashing in the water the most, although she also checked out the pasta and the dough. She wasn't too keen on the jelly and the applesauce, and even made a face when I smeared some applesauce on her lips. Not a fan of very sweet things, maybe.
We attended the first session of Macaulay Centre's Let's Get Started program, which focuses on helping kids with special needs. The program normally covers kids 2 to 6 years old, but I called ahead and asked if it's okay to go even if A- is only a year old. I'm glad they let us in. The first talk was by a speech pathologist, and I picked up lots of great tips for language teaching through labeling and modeling. It was also reassuring to learn that gestures count as words when it comes to developmental milestones. A- doesn't say much, but she's definitely picked up the signs for nursing and more. She passed the newborn hearing screening and responds to sounds, so we're not too worried, but it's always good to try to apply best practices. Besides, even though it's true that most people learn how to speak sooner or later, there's quite a range of expressiveness, and we'd love to help her enjoy language as much as possible.
A- seems to understand more words now, and she connects more concepts too. She seems to smack her lips after mentions of yogurt or breakfast. If I hold a sock, she sticks out her foot, and if I give her one of my socks, she puts it on top of my foot. She's quite good at cruising left and right along the sofa, taking a toy along with her instead of needing the toy to be an incentive. She's also definitely partial to W-, which is cool.
Speaking of communication, I've been experimenting with letting A- signal when she wants to sleep, and just enjoying some quiet time until she settles down. A couple of times, she took the hint and rolled into bed, snuggling under the blanket. Other times, she had a hard time settling until I put her in the sleep sack.
Lots of preparation for A-'s birthday party so that the actual day could be smooth instead of harried. W- made more chocolate cake, bringing our total up to three frozen layers ready to be used for A-'s birthday. He also made lamb korma and beef stew, since both are yummy entrees that can be made far in advance. He's so awesome. I tried a white cake recipe, but it turned out a bit denser than I expected. Lemon pound cake was a good way to use up the extra egg yolks, so it all balanced out.
W- found the old audio recordings we'd made of things like A- snoring. (Such tiny snores!) He converted the WMA files to Ogg, and now they're part of our long-term backups. I selected and printed out an album of A-'s pictures, and I experimented with some ways to print out my index card sketches of yearly, monthly, and weekly reviews. It's been quite a year!
Jen and Ewan needed some emergency babysitting help, so I headed over there on Friday to spend a few hours with E-. It was surprisingly manageable, although there were a couple of moments when both E- and A- were upset and needed soothing. Most of the time, they were perfectly fine playing with books, balls, blocks, and ramps. After their afternoon snack, I took them for a walk around the neighbourhood, and they quickly fell asleep. Yay!
I spent a little time making a web interface for something that I used to run on the command line for my client. Nice to finally get that done.
Since it's the completion date of my 5-year experiment with semi-retirement, I started reviewing all of my experiment-related blog posts. I'm looking forward to writing about it in more detail, but since time is probably going to be a little scarce as we get used to new routines, I should post whatever I have now and then just add to it later.
Blog posts
- 2017-02-11a Week ending 2017-02-10 #journal #weekly
- 2017-02-11b Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-12a Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-13a Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-14a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-15a Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-16a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-17a Friday #daily #journal
Focus areas and time review
- Business (1.9h – 1%)
- Earn (1.6h – 87% of Business)
- Build (0.2h – 12% of Business)
- ☑ Amend T5
- ☑ File federal annual return
- Connect (0.0h – 0% of Business)
- Relationships (3.6h – 2%)
- ☑ Return clothes, help with E-
- ☑ Call Sick Kids re schedule
- ☐ Get glasses for A-
- Discretionary – Productive (6.4h – 3%)
- Drawing (2.9h)
- Emacs (1.7h)
- ☑ Do another Emacs News review
- ☐ Do another Emacs News review
- Coding (0.9h)
- Writing (1.0h)
- ☑ Learn more about Ledger
- ☑ Figure out printing sketches
- ☑ Try out Simpletax
- ☑ Buy flannels
- Discretionary – Play (2.5h – 1%)
- Personal routines (19.9h – 11%)
- Unpaid work (80.7h – 48%)
- Childcare (63.7h – 37% of total)
- Sleep (53.1h – 31% – average of 7.6 per day)
Huh. Less sleep. Oh, right, I stayed up late learning more about Ledger, catching up on my journal, and doing consulting.