Weekly review: Week ending February 24, 2017

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It was A-'s birthday last week. W- made so much food for the party with his family, including a devil's food cake with coconut-pecan icing (recipes from the Joy of Cooking) and two rotisserie chickens. Yum yum yum! Everyone cooed over A-, especially when she gave our cat Luke a big hug. She was totally uninterested in the cake, but she loved having yogurt.

The timing worked out pretty well. The weather was nice and sunny. A- got sick with her first serious cold the day after the party: sniffles, sneezes, fever, diarrhea, even a bit of throwing up and spitting up. She eventually got over it, although we did end up calling Telehealth to ask what we should do. W- also bought two thermometers: a forehead thermometer for easier measurement, and a large-display thermometer for general use.

W- went back to work this week, so we're getting the hang of new routines. Between that and us being under the weather, I was mostly focused on childcare and sleep. We'll see what normal life will be like when we recover.

I took A- to the pediatrician for her 12- month vaccines. At 8.015 kg, she's above the 15th percentile curve for weight, and generally doing fine aside from that cold. I got a prescription for her next conformer, a form for blood tests, and a note about scheduling A-'s next ultrasound (keeping an eye on her liver hemangioma).

The EnzoDate glasses I ordered for A- arrived, and we've been practising wearing them for a second or two at a time. One of the demo lenses has some print on it, but it's still fine for the purpose of getting A- used to glasses. Eventually I'll get her proper glasses with polycarbonate lenses. I checked local stores for prices for fitting the glasses we just got her with proper lenses, and things seem to be set up so that it's cheaper for me to buy the frame with included lenses than to get lenses fit into this frame. We'll check the numbers again when she can keep these on.

Language: A- seems to be working on "ha" and "ta" sounds, and she's also babbling a lot more now compared to last week.

I had a morning appointment for dental cleaning. A- was still asleep by the time I needed to head out, so she stayed at home with W-. They were both perfectly fine. They had breakfast and everything. It was my first time going outside the neighbourhood without A-. I felt so unusually light that I couldn't help but jog part of the way home.

I'd been trying to find a place that would let me do two units of dental scaling so that I could come three times a year while still having things mostly covered by W-'s insurance. Fortunately, they agreed to my request. Whee! Let's see if this works out.

My dad was in the hospital for an operation, and is now recovering. Yay medicine!

Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (0.0h – 0%)
  • Relationships (4.6h – 2%)
    • ☑ Get glasses for A-
    • ☑ Get added as a tax representative for W-
  • Discretionary – Productive (2.1h – 1%)
    • Drawing (1.2h)
    • Emacs (0.4h)
    • Coding (0.0h)
    • ☑ Get dividend information from Adphoto
    • ☑ Help with Parents' Canada visa application
    • Sewing (0.0h)
    • Writing (0.3h)
  • Discretionary – Play (0.5h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (19.0h – 11%)
  • Unpaid work (83.9h – 49%)
    • Childcare (71.9h – 42% of total)
  • Sleep (58.0h – 34% – average of 8.3 per day)

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