Weekly review: Week ending March 3, 2017
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A- has mostly gotten over her cold from last week, although we're all dealing with a bit of a dry cough. Her appetite and energy level are back to normal, yay! I took her to Sick Kids for the usual 12-month blood tests. She had to put up with a lot, as the nurse couldn't find anything in her elbow despite some digging.
It's a good thing we went to the peer nutrition workshop despite the weather. The talk was on dental hygiene, and the speaker quickly checked all the kids' teeth. There's something weird going on with A-'s teeth. There seem to be small half-circles near the tips where the enamel didn't fully form. I'm taking her to the dentist on Monday. It's just another thing that we're going to deal with.
I made sure to fill her week with enjoyable things, too. She played with a few toys while I talked to an occupational therapist at the Let's Get Started program, and we borrowed a few magnetic pieces from the Junction Family Resource Centre. We spent a little time at the More Than Child's Play centre after Peer Nutrition, too. We checked out the TDSB Family Literacy Centre at Indian Road Crescent, and I picked up a few more songs. There are so many activity options, yay!
We've been kitting out home, too. exchanged a number of gifts for a shape sorter, a couple of Duplo sets, and a 7-pack of onesies. The shape sorter makes sense to get because the ones at JFRC tend to be missing pieces. The larger A-'s Duplo collection is, the more combinations we can make. Standard onesies make dressing a lot easier, so that's worth paying a little extra for compared to getting a variety second-hand. A- occasionally pushes simple shapes through the slots in the sorter, but she's more likely to take the lid off and put the shape in directly. She also likes pretending to drink from the shapes, and enjoys it when you pretend to do so too.
More family conversations. I've been considering flying to the Philippines to help my parents while they deal with health issues, but the logistics of doing that with A- are a bit daunting. I've been slowly working through the different risks. My plans are on hold until I sort out this new uncertainty around A-'s teeth, though, as she comes first. I hope we can make it over!
I thought I lost my library card and credit card outside the house, so I cancelled them, but it turns out they were just in a pocket that I failed to check until everything went through the dryer. Ah well! I've reactivated my library card, but I'll have to wait for the replacement credit card.
I had a bit more energy this week, so I did some consulting and implemented a category feature people had requested. I also worked on our taxes and updated my ledger, which incidentally turned up an invoice that had fallen through the cracks. Yay ledger and tracking accounts!
Next week: dentist, parent advocacy workshop, Let's Get Started workshop. There's food in the fridge and stuff on the calendar. Let's go!
Blog posts
- 2017-02-27 Emacs News
- Weekly review: Week ending February 24, 2017
- What did I learn from this experiment with semi-retirement?
- Journal
- 2017-03-01a Week ending 2017-02-24 #journal #weekly
- 2017-02-25a Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-26a Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-27a Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-02-28a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-03-01b Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-03-02a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-03-03d Friday #daily #journal
- Parenting
Focus areas and time review
- Business (2.1h – 1%)
- Earn (1.6h – 77% of Business)
- ☑ Earn: E1: 1-2 hours of consulting
- Build (0.5h – 22% of Business)
- Connect (0.0h – 0% of Business)
- Earn (1.6h – 77% of Business)
- Relationships (4.7h – 2%)
- Discretionary – Productive (4.5h – 2%)
- Drawing (2.6h)
- Emacs (0.5h)
- Writing (0.2h)
- ☑ Find and start posting experiment summaries
- ☑ Get dividend information
- ☑ Parents' Canada visa application
- ☑ Reactivate US account
- ☑ Try out Studiotax in a VM
- Discretionary – Play (0.2h – 0%)
- Personal routines (14.4h – 8%)
- Unpaid work (83.6h – 49%)
- Childcare (72.0h – 42% of total)
- Sleep (58.4h – 34% – average of 8.3 per day)