2017-06-26 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginner:
- Emacs Tutorial Series => the learning path I wanted to read while I was getting started (Reddit) – from March 2017
- The Complete Emacs Course – Udemy
- Emacs Lisp:
- Making eshell your own (Reddit)
- “Isolated” and “reproducible” Emacs environment for emacs –script?
- Anonymous function macro in elisp (Reddit)
- Unsecured remote code evaluation. Fun but dangerous!
- Elisp – How long have you maintained a package? – a few tips in the comments
- How do leader keys, hydra, and general.el differ? Use cases?
- Emacs development:
- A proof concept of built-in multiple fake cursors. (Reddit)
- “a small patch that adds some touch event handling to Emacs. Currently it only works on macOS” (Reddit)
- Provide additional support for child frames
- html2text now marked obsolete
- Don’t put deleted packages in the trash
- Native display of line numbers, improved
- Org Mode:
- Literate programming:
- LaTeX:
- Blogging:
- Auto-Loading Org2Blog Mode
- An Emacs Blogging Workflow (Reddit) – Hugo tools
- Links:
- Protecting Line Breaks from Fill
- Make M-RET better in Org Mode
- If you use orgzly, how do you sync your Emacs org mode with it?
- Coding:
- Multiple choices in yasnippets
- Best way to read JavaScript documentation (e.g., MDN) within Emacs?
- Pretty Magit – Integrating commit leaders (Reddit)
- My epiphany this morning: Save your current working directory to a file (Reddit)
- company-rofi – using rofi as a frontend for company-mode completion
- Smarter clang-format In Emacs
- Other:
- OSX – If you’re not already using the railwaycat port of emacs, you should go ahead and make that happen
- TIL: evil-buffer-regexps
- Just happy that I can use Emacs at work now
- Does anyone following the Emacs updates which Sacha is doing for years? (Reddit) – aww, shucks =)
- The Lisp machine and GNU – LibrePlanet 2017 (Reddit) – see comments for link to Org file
- ELPA packages included in the new release of Debian (Reddit)
- Recorded a video about how I configure my Emacs (Reddit)
- New packages:
- bifocal: Split-screen scrolling for comint-mode buffers
- dad-joke: Get/display dad jokes
- flycheck-clang-analyzer: Integrate Clang Analyzer with flycheck
- flycheck-julia: Julia support for Flycheck
- github-modern-theme: The GitHub color theme for Emacs.
- hugsql-ghosts: Display ghostly hugsql defqueries inline
- ob-fsharp: Org-Babel F#
- ob-rust: org-babel functions for rust evaluation
- org-link-minor-mode: Enable org-mode links in non-org modes
- org-static-blog: a simple org-mode based static blog generator
- pasp-mode: – A major mode for editing Answer Set Programs.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.