Weekly review: Week ending June 23, 2017
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It was a good week for arts and crafts. One afternoon, I set up painting stations for both me and A- outside. She decided that she wanted to paint with my small paintbrush instead of her large one, painted her piece of paper, and then added finishing touches to mine. I also turned her loose with crayons and a pad of paper, and I made playdough for her to cut and roll.
In music class, A- imitated how we used rhythm sticks and jingle bells. She walked around with me during the parts that involved walking, and stood up and sat down during the appropriate parts in Ring Around the Rosies. I picked up the textbook that the teacher recommended as an intro to early music education (Move, Sing, Listen, Play). It has lots of activities for preschoolers, but there are also a number of activities I can do with a toddler. I learned more about speech games, chants, improvisation, and rhythm. I asked the teacher a few follow-up questions at the session on Thursday. Answers so far: background music is not recommended because kids can't focus on it and it teaches kids to shut off their ears; even if A- is mostly just exposed to my singing voice, that's fine; concerts require a longer attention span, but the ROM open house might be a good opportunity to share more performances with her.
We checked out the Creating Together drop-in centre in Parkdale. The circle time there is high-energy and fast-paced, so it'll probably be nice for A- when she's a bit older. I prefer our neighbourhood centres for now.
To follow up on Nilda's suggestions from last week, I borrowed a shape puzzle from the JFRC. The one with basic shapes is a good starting point because A- can fit the shapes in a variety of ways, instead of having to rotate each shape to just the right orientation. A- can complete that puzzle with a little help, so maybe I'll let her practise with that a little more and get the next step up.
Nilda and I did a parent-focused activity about emotional refueling. Sleep, eat, take care of my personal routines, spend time with W-, journal, put together Emacs News, code, play, go for a walk… Life is pretty good, actually. I only feel really stretched when I stay up too late and A- wakes up unexpectedly early. Since I stay up in order to enjoy a bit of personal time for journaling, writing, and coding, it's probably an acceptable trade-off.
A- has been working on sleeping more independently, anyway. There were a couple of times that she stayed sleeping when I took her out of the carrier, and she sometimes tosses and turns a bit by herself before going to bed instead of just falling asleep while nursing.
We had a video chat with Lolo and one with Lola. Lots of pointing to body parts, singing songs and using gestures, and pointing to the person on the phone. Yay! It felt like proper interaction. Looking forward to more long-distance grandparent-grandchild bonding.
W- entertained A- while I was at the dentist. My experiment of going more often for shorter periods of time seems to be working out well, although I might want to switch back to using the electric toothbrush so that I can clean my teeth more thoroughly.
After the dentist appointment, W- decided to take the rest of the day off and join us for a field trip to the Royal Ontario Museum. A- was a little sleepy, but she still enjoyed climbing up stairs, sitting on benches, and pointing at various animal specimens. (Some of which I labeled incorrectly, whoops! gotta pay more attention and not mix things up.)
I managed to dust off my development setup for Quantified Awesome, and I'm slowly getting back into the groove of coding for myself (and occasionally helping out other people). Thanks to Will Monroe for the nudge! It will probably take me a few weeks or more to wrap my mind around the multiple timelines feature I want to build, but it's nice to have a development environment again where I can try things out without worrying about breaking my main install badly. I'm so glad that past Sacha wrote all these tests. As for consulting – I ran the revised script to extract data, and that worked out fine.
A- and I harvested some of the radishes from the garden. There were only a few round radish roots, but that's okay. We cooked the radish greens and had them along with the white cut chicken. It was fun watching A- pull up radishes and be curious about the roots and leaves. Low actual yield, but the garden's already worth it.
W-'s been finalizing the plans for the porch. I read up on various approaches so that I could help think through stuff. He extended the concrete pad for the stairs, which took a bit more work but which was the Right Thing to Do. He also swapped out our kitchen sink drain for one that was easier to empty. Kaizen!
Blog posts
- Journal
- 2017-06-17c Week ending 2017-06-16 #journal #weekly
- 2017-06-17d Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-18c Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-19b Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-20a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-21b Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-22a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-23a Friday #daily #journal
- Parenting
- Enrichment
- 2017-06-17a What do I want from arts and crafts #parenting #ece
- 2017-06-18a Planning lessons for A- and me #parenting #enrichment
- 2017-06-18b Reflecting on using more money #finances #opportunity-fund
- 2017-06-19c Art setup #art #parenting
- 2017-06-21a Nurturing musicality #music #enrichment #parenting
Focus areas and time review
- Business (10.0h – 5%)
- Earn (0.5h – 4% of Business)
- Build (9.5h – 95% of Business)
- ☑ Set up dev environment on my laptop
- ☑ Define menu as JSON and have it fleshed out
- ☑ Status
- ☑ Record – get last activity
- ☑ Adjust – start X minutes from start of last activity
- ☑ Help Will with Quantified Awesome
- Relationships (0.1h – 0%)
- Discretionary – Productive (6.2h – 3%)
- Drawing (3.6h)
- Discretionary – Play (0.6h – 0%)
- Personal routines (19.1h – 11%)
- Unpaid work (15.1h – 8%)
- A- (Childcare) (70.4h – 41% of total)
- Sleep (46.5h – 27% – average of 6.6 per day)