Quick notes on my current interface for time-tracking

| quantified

I don’t think I’ve posted a description of my current interface for tracking, so here are a few quick screenshots. This is the main interface that I’ve bookmarked on my phone and on my computer. It’s a simple web-based interface with lots of big buttons. It lets me track baby-related things as well as my time with a tap or two. If I need to do something more complicated, I can use the command button to pass a text command to my tracking interface. 

For example, here’s what clicking on the Track button will show:

I sometimes need to backdate entries, so tapping on Adjust gets me this screen:

When I have a little more time, I might tweak the interface a bit, but it will do for now. I’m glad I put this together. It makes time tracking something I can do even with a baby, yay!

All the reports in my blog posts are handled by Emacs Lisp functions that talk to quantifiedawesome.com and summarize my time data. You can find the code at https://sachachua.com/dotemacs and lisp/quantified.el .

I probably won’t be able to help anyone build a similar system any time soon, but maybe these notes can give you a few ideas. =)

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