2018-02-19 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Writing Emacs's dynamic modules in Rust (Reddit)
- Would appreciate some feedback on Stefan's patches to package.el (Reddit)
- Git Stats for Emacs (Reddit)
- The portable dumper for emacs is now in a branch on savannah (Reddit)
- Preserve special abbrev properties when writing
- Update `server-name' :version & document sockname
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Other:
- Why I still use Emacs (2017)
- To Luke Smith: Why bother with Emacs? Part 1, Part 2
- Why Emacs is Awesome
- Introducing bart-mode. Are you a bay area commuter? Check real-time BART info in Emacs (Reddit)
- Wrote a package: services-mode. Useful to anyone else? (Reddit)
- Music with Emacs – mpd and EMMS!
- (Emacs+Org-Mode) Emacs: Our Home For Creativity, Learning, Fellowship, And Fun
- New packages:
- attrap: ATtempt To Repair At Point
- aurora-config-mode: Major mode for Apache Aurora configuration files
- bmx-mode: Batch Mode eXtras
- call-graph: Library to generate call graph for cpp functions
- cobalt: Easily use the Cobalt.rs static site generator
- flower: Emacs task tracker client.
- gif-screencast: One-frame-per-action GIF recording
- ibuffer-sidebar: Sidebar for `ibuffer'
- ivy-posframe: Using posframe to show Ivy
- org-rich-yank: paste with org-mode markup and link to source
- pickle: Major mode for editing cucumber gherkin files.
- python-pytest: helpers to run pytest
- rubik: Rubik's Cube
- sly-repl-ansi-color: Add ANSI colors support to the sly mrepl.
- stgit: major mode for StGit interaction
- sudden-death: Totsuzen-no-Shi
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.