Week ending 2018-05-11
| review, weekly- Field trip
- We fed the llamas and then went to the Jamie Bell adventure playground. A- experimented with going up the stairs and wandering around a little out of reach, although she wasn’t too keen on going down the slides.
- We went to Riverdale Farm. A- spent a long time looking at and talking about the horses. They have a new pig and a new goat, too.
- A- wanted to go to the Children's Book Bank. We picked up several books and a set of jigsaw puzzles.
- For fun, we met up with Jen and very E- and took the train out to Aldershot, then the bus to Hamilton. We walked around a bit while Jen told me about Hamilton's recent history, then snacked at a cafe, then headed home via a bus to Pearson airport and the UP Express.
- Fine motor
- We made sandcastles in the backyard. Actually, we made sandcakes, complete with a pretend-candle that A- pretended to light and blow out.
- Language
- A- is learning how to ask questions instead of just declaring that she wants something. “Can I have this?”
- Music
- A- started singing the “Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe” song.
- I caught a large spider in the basement. A- sang The Great Canadian Spider while we ceremoniously carried it out to the backyard and released it.
- Social
- W-, A-, and I checked out the cherry blossoms with Jen, Ewan, and E-. We also spent a lot of time at the playground and at the pond. We saw the cherry blossoms with Popo too.
- A- had lots of fun dancing with J-.
- The babysitting experiment was a success! A- had a grand time with F- M-, digging for worms in the backyard, playing in her play area, and dancing in the kitchen.
- A- remembered the names of the facilitators at the JFRC, and wanted to draw them.
- K- taught A- how to make onigiri.
- Kaizen
- I learned how to use Autoshare to simplify exporting drawings from my phone.
- We went to the OEYC and I asked lots of questions about screening babysitters.
- Us
- J- and her friend P- made salmon bulgogi and couscous salad. Yum!
- I started consulting again. We talked about the requirements for this app they’re planning, and I investigated a few ideas.
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