Week ending 2018-05-18
| review, weekly- Gross motor
- A- walked all the way to the JFRC.
- We've been practising going for walks in the neighbourhood. A- wasn't too keen on walking back from the supermarket, but when she focused on picking dandelion flowers instead, it was easier to nudge her along.
- Fine motor
- A- was interested in pushing and stacking large pegs at the OEYC.
- Language
- A- had so much fun in the Baird Park sandbox, she said “I don't want to leave.”
- A- was doing a pretty good job at imitating whatever we said. W- remarked, “Someone is parroting everything Daddy says.” A- said, “What a surprise.”
- Emotion
- A- got a little anxious about Mr. Potato Head and a monkey puppet. Later that week, A- wanted to play with dolls, and she wanted me to put on a hand puppet.
- Household
- A- dropped a lot of breadcrumbs on the kitchen floor. Unprompted, she got her broom and tried to sweep it up.
- A- dragged the shopping trolley short distances.
- A- and I made banana muffins. She liked pouring and mixing the dry ingredients. After we baked the muffins, we gave some to the neighbours.
- Social
- Babysitting experiment #2: success! A- made carrot muffins with Stephanie, then played in the play area before heading out to the backyard. It was nice of her to offer Stephanie snacks.
- We brought the carrot muffins that A- helped make to the JFRC. They were well-received.
- It's interesting how powerful the desire to imitate is. A- usually doesn't like the peel on fruits, so I was peeling pear slices for her and eating the peels as we went. She eventually got curious enough to eat one, then another, and then a pear slice with the peel on.
- A- wanted to sit in the front yard and watch people.
- A- liked watching the neighbours draw with chalk, so we played with chalk on the sidewalk too.
- Pretend
- A- liked helping her toy dinosaur have a bath, brush teeth, wear its conformer, and read a book. She happily took her turn, too.
- Other
- A- paid lots of attention to stop signs and stop lights, and even insisted on following them while on the sidewalk.
- Kaizen
- We got a shopping trolley from Ikea so that we can easily carry more supplies.
- I stayed up late to compare the numbers for hiring an experienced babysitter directly or through an agency. Along the way, I developed an appreciation for using Calc's fsolve with org-babel. Nice way to quickly solve an equation.
- I set up Google Pay and tried it out at the supermarket. If this works out, it might mean one less card to carry or potentially lose.
- Us
- We lost one of A-‘s shoes. It fell off while she was sleeping in the carrier.
- W- built and filled a garden box, and I planted cilantro and dill in it. We bought basil seedlings and planted those too. I gave up on the compost heap.
- I actually gave myself permission to start playing a video game: Persona 5.
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