Week ending 2018-05-25
| review, weekly- Gross motor
- A- wanted to swing across the monkey bars with help.
- A- enjoyed building sandcastles in the sandbox and rolling a truck down the slide.
- Fine motor
- A- was interested in scribbling in the doodle book.
- A- had fun wrapping tape all around a column of Duplo blocks. She passed the tape from hand to hand and around all by herself.
- Language
- A- talked about something she wished we bought a few months ago: “I have no stars. I have a star at IKEA.”
- A- lined up random magnetic letters along their baseline.
- Self-care
- A- got her own tissue, and then she blew her nose when prompted.
- We got A- to brush by improvising silly songs.
- We were able to convince A- to let Dinosaur brush her teeth.
- A-‘s pediatrician said she had a mild cold and a low-grade fever. We'll see if her dental surgery needs to be postponed.
- Emotion
- A- didn't want to go to sleep. After trying to insist for ten minutes, I decided to give her suggestions a shot. We went downstairs, played a bit, and even practised a lot with scissors. Surprisingly focused time.
- Social
- A- has started getting curious about other kids' toys in the sandbox and wanting to borrow stuff. She often asks me to ask, and I also nudge her to try asking.
- J- stepped in for emergency child care when the independent babysitter cancelled.
- A- had a lot of fun with Crystal the babysitter. They took turns role-playing restaurant scenarios. They practised with scissors and played with paint while I did some consulting. Then A- wanted to go to the playground with both of us, so I explored stuff on my phone while they played. Level up!
- We visited Popo and enjoyed a nice walk down to Union Station.
- Pretend
- W- guided A- through pretending to eat at a cafeteria: getting a tray, loading up a plate, paying, eating, and putting away. More egalitarian than restaurants. :)
- A- wanted to keep playing the order game. She liked ordering chocolate, cheese, and hot water.
- A- bought pretend groceries and put them in a pretend fridge. (Duplo blocks, caves)
- Cognition
- A- had fun spotting the cat in the Plume book. I think she's starting to appreciate incomplete images.
- Kaizen
- I wrote a bash+sed script to get mutual fund prices.
- I looked into drawing on my phone, and prepared a few template files. The full version of Autodesk Sketchbook for Mobile is now free, but Medibang has a slightly customizable interface.
- Us
- J- made chickpea masala. It was yummy!
- I went for dental cleaning and fluoride varnish while A- hung out with J-.
- I chatted with Jessica Lee (@jessicaology) about portfolio careers, tracking, and experiments.
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