Week ending 2018-06-22

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  • Field trip
    • A- wanted to go to the Ontario Science Centre. The field trip kids were a bit rowdy, so we hung out in the toddler play area instead. We read all their books and played with the rising toys. Outside, we played with bubbles.
  • Gross motor
    • At the playground, A- was interested in climbing up and across the nets.
  • Fine motor
    • We took turns placing blocks. First we used random colours. Then I started matching the colours she picked. Then she started offering me a matching one while labeling it verbally.
  • Language
    • “Yes, ma'am.” “Yes, Ma'am? Where did that come from?” “From my mouth.”
    • “I want to call Mama.” “What do you want to talk about?” “I love you, Mama.”
    • “I want to eat a cookie outside. This is a good plan.”
    • A- successfully negotiated for a cookie by saying, “I want to brush my teeth after having a cookie.” Between that and using “I want to go outside” as a way to ask for an energy bar, I think she's pretty good at figuring out how to work with our rules.
    • The alphabet molds and press-in letters arrived. They were larger than I expected – great! A- was interested in using them to cut out and stamp playdough.
  • Music
    • A- wanted to play the piano. She said, “Mama, listen to my song.” Then she banged on the keys a number of times. Then she said, “All done,” slid off the piano bench, and turned off the piano. Also, when the babysitter was there, she played faster or slower depending on the prompt.
    • A- snuggled through most of music class. At home, though, she enthusiastically repeated the songs, even making up pairs of words for “Two Little Dickie Birds.” She suggested actions for “Jim Along with Josie” and followed the cues perfectly. When she did, she said, “Good listening,” imitating the teacher.
  • Self-care
    • We went to the ocularist. He polished A-‘s conformer. A- was upset, but she calmed down right away when the ocularist asked if she wanted a toy from the treasure chest.
  • Eating
    • We had a Father's Day dinner at Ka Chi. A- liked the dumplings and the bibimbap.
    • A- enjoyed her first ice cream cone. She experimented with eating it with a spoon.
  • Household
    • We got a new spray bottle. A- happily sprayed kitchen surfaces and wiped them with a towel.
    • A- helped make pancakes. Whenever we packed them in our lunch box, she ate them first.
    • A- helped cook a lot this week: banana bread, shake and bake chicken, sweet potato fries, and even wontons.
  • Social
    • The playground was overrun by hundreds of kids. A- managed to keep playing anyway.
    • A- shared toys with a few daycare kids who were also playing in the sandbox. When it was time for them to go, A- helped put their toys in the bag. She even wanted to join them as they practised lining up, but we didn't wander over in time.
    • A troop of scouts were picking up garbage in the park. A- wanted to help.
    • I talked to A- about babysitting. She said, “Stop babysitting experiment. Mama play with A-.”
  • Pretend
    • We played pretend ice cream shop. I described the flavors. She asked for the brown one. I handed her some playdough and told her it would be $3. She fished a scrap of paper out of her handbag and said, “I pay with money.” I thanked her. She kept looking at me expectantly, then said, “Receipt.” I gave her a piece of paper. Then she said, “Napkins.” More paper. Then she said, “Money.” That cracked me up – she made sure I gave her change.
  • Cognition
    • A- wanted to carry my bag. She tried dragging it. Then she sat down and started emptying it. She said, “Take it all out to make it lighter.”
    • A- covered her ears in anticipation of the arrival of the subway train.
  • World
    • The giant bubble maker was a bjg hit.
    • A- used the watering wand to fill a small seed starting pot with water. She lifted up the pot and all the water poured out of the hole. She repeated this a few times.
  • Sleep
    • We tried seeing if she would nap with the babysitter, but she was definitely not keen on that.
    • A- woke up early, so we played in the park.
  • Us
    • It turns out that Neko can jump out of the bathtub on her own, and has just been playing an “I'm stuck! I'm stuck!” game all this time.
    • I did some more research into preschools, and now have a pretty decent plan.
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