Week ending 2018-07-06

| review, weekly
  • Field trip
    • We went for a fish basket at a nearby fish and chips store. A- ate most of the shrimp, some of the haddock, and a small part of the fries. We liked watching the cook in the kitchen, too.
  • Gross motor
    • We had fun throwing, catching, and kicking the soft ball I made for A- up and down a flight of stairs.
    • A- worked on keeping the stroller in the middle of the sidewalk.
    • A- wanted to learn how to use alternating legs to go up and down the stairs instead of going one step at a time. She said, “Teach me other leg” and insisted that we steady her and help her move her other leg up.
  • Fine motor
    • A- loved drawing on my phone, scrolling down to have more space to draw on. In addition to drawing scribbles that she labeled verbally, she also asked me to draw various emotions.
  • Language
    • A- now reacts to hurts by saying “That hurt a lot. A lot a lot.”
    • “Not now. I'm busy doing something.”
    • On reading My World: “He's looking at his watch to see if it's bedtime for the kid in the crib.”
    • New protocol for reading: she signals when to turn the page. This gives her room for lots of observations when she feels like it. It would probably be better for her to turn the pages herself, but she'll get there someday.
  • Art
    • A- used a stick to draw in the sand. She also liked making footprints and handprints.
  • Self-care and independence
    • We went to the dentist, who reassured me that the dark spot on the back of A-‘s tooth was not a cavity.
  • Household
    • A- helped sort laundry into darks, whites, and polyesters. We pointed to or named the appropriate compartment and she put the clothes in.
  • Social
    • We played in the sandbox. We found a small car, so we brought it over to the ramps and A- had fun taking turns with other kids rolling the car down the ramp. She also practised climbing up the slide and then going down again.
    • We went to Gabriel's birthday party. A- had fun making lots of giant bubbles. She ate strawberries and pomegranate seeds. She skinned a knee while running around, but still felt good enough to go to the playground afterwards. It was great to catch up with people.
    • We went to the drop-in centre. I asked about preschool. A- insisted on sitting in a stool during circle time, and she had lots of fun participating.
    • After our nap, A- wanted to have a pillow fight. Then we pretended to be turtles, then we snuggled some more and read many books.
  • Cognition
    • A- helped me sort a large number of Duplo blocks by colour. She pointed out which pile each block should go to, and she named the colours too.
  • World
    • A- liked blowing bubbles in milk.
    • A- ate a strawberry from the garden. It was yummy.
  • Kaizen
    • W- added lights to the living room.
    • We spent some time decluttering the pantry, bookshelves, and toys.
    • I'm slowly sketching out a plan for possibly putting A- in daycare this October. I inquired about tours at a few daycares to see what our options are.
  • Us
    • Down with a cold and the beginnings of a sore throat. W- took over in the evening so that I could go to bed early.
    • Quiet recovery days at home. A- enjoyed lots of reading, bubbles, and building.
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