Weekly review: Week ending October 12, 2018

| review, weekly

A- has been growing more independent, insisting on doing her jobs: using the toilet, brushing her teeth, even putting things in the laundry and putting her dishes in the sink. The bedtime routine was mostly smooth these days, although naps were a little rough. It's amazing watching her grow.

  • Kaizen
    • We bought poultry shears.
  • Us
    • W- brined, spatchcocked, and roasted a turkey.
    • I worked on my corporate taxes a little more.
    • We celebrated a milestone by eating at a fish and chips place.
    • W- fixed the toaster oven with spare parts from the old one.
    • I napped for a few hours. It was refreshing.
  • Gross motor
    • A- found it easy to pedal the tricycle back and forth on the path.
    • A- walked and ran back to the house even though it was so cold.
    • A- walked all the way home from the drop-in centre.
  • Fine motor
    • A- inserted pegs into numbered pegboards.
    • A- was interested in different colors and patterns of tape at the drop-in centre.
  • Language
    • At the drop-in centre, someone said, “Bye A-!” A- said, “Actually, I'm M-.”
    • A- reacted to W-‘s departure by calling out, “I miss being hugged by you!”
  • Self-care and independence
    • A- wanted to pack her toothbrush and toothpaste in her lunch bag. She brushed her teeth in the school yard.
    • The swelling from A-‘s bug bite mostly subsided, but the bit became redder and a little splotchy. I wonder if it's a wasp sting.
    • A- played independently while we ate dinner and washed dishes.
  • Sleep
    • A- had a big tantrum about napping. We resolved to back off a little and not try to force the issue.
    • “Your eyes are getting heavy and sleepy.” “Don't forget the belly button!”
    • I'm surprised at how well guided meditation works for helping A- fall asleep.
    • A- wanted to sleep, so she insisted on the stroller.
  • Emotion
    • “I want to knock down blocks so I can get my frustration out.”
  • Household
    • A- scooped food for the cats and refilled their water.
    • A- pushed her tower over to the pantry and helped herself to chips.
    • A- picked up the laundry on the floor and carried out downstairs.
  • Social
    • “I want to cheer up everyone.”
    • At the drop-in centre, A- said, “No no no baby!” Turns out there was a baby who was about to put grass in his or her mouth, so it was great that A- called our attention.
  • Pretend
    • A- piled her hooded towel on top of her head and was very proud of her imitation of me.
    • A- wanted me to pretend I was a printer.
  • Cognition
    • “I'm hiding but my face is peeking out.” A- understands that she can be partially hidden.
    • A- sorted little bears by colour.
  • Thoughts
    • If I don't have time for the kinds of things that used to tickle my brain, how would I like to adapt?

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Category The other week Last week Diff h/wk Diff h/wk
Discretionary – Family 1.9 8.9 7.0 14.9 11.7
Sleep 34.7 38.6 3.8 64.8 6.5
Unpaid work 7.2 9.5 2.3 16.0 3.8
Personal 6.5 8.5 2.0 14.3 3.4
Business 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.7
Discretionary – Play 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
Discretionary – Social 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Discretionary – Productive 2.4 1.0 -1.5 1.6 -2.5
A- 46.9 32.2 -14.7 54.0 -24.8
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