Weekly review: Week ending January 4, 2019

| review, weekly
  • Kaizen
    • I tidied up my drawers a little.
    • I updated my Emacs News code to deal with the pagination of Reddit JSON.
    • I Dockerized my sketch viewer and my tracker, and I was able to deploy the images to my server.
    • I set up a Docker container for loading my MySQL backups.
    • I reflashed the TF700T with the Katkiss ROM. It was tolerably responsive.
    • I reviewed my portfolio and reinvested the dividends. I’ll probably invest in just my TFSA and A-‘s RESP this year, since we might have big expenses coming up.
    • I used Tasker to make it easier to log our cooking.
  • Us
    • I wrote a couple of blog posts, yay!
    • I sorted out Docker + ufw + iptables.
    • At the drop-in centre, I asked other parents about their experiences with going to activities and keeping kids home for preschool. It sounds pretty workable.
    • I looked up dates for summer breaks and started thinking of what a long summer trip to the Philippines might be like for A- and me.
  • Gross motor
    • A- walked all the way to the subway station.
  • Fine motor
    • A- can look for and type single letters instead of holding down. She’s also interested in sounding them out.
    • A- liked putting screws into a tiny bag.
  • Sensory
    • A- wanted us to blow feathers around.
    • We went swimming with Melissa and H-. The change rooms were pleasantly warm when we entered, and the pool was the perfect temperature. A- kept saying, “How nice it is to swim.” She had fun dog-paddling and floating while wearing a vest, even in the deeper part of the toddler pool. We stayed in the pool for more than an hour, and she napped for a long time afterwards. I think this will be a nice addition to our weekly routine.
  • Language
    • I read a book. Beside me, A- flipped through a Childcraft volume and asked questions about the pictures.
    • A- often likes chatting before she falls asleep. One time, we spent quite a few minutes talking about the names of people in our family.
    • A- practised sounding out the letters on the milk box.
  • Self-care and independence
    • A- rubbed her conformer out while we were at the Ontario Science Centre. It fell to the floor. Before I noticed it was out, she’d already crouched, picked it up, and brought it to me. “I brought it to an adult,” she said. We’ve been teaching her that if she takes out her conformer, she should bring it to the adult responsible for her. She’s getting pretty good at that. Whew!
  • Eating
    • I made quiche. A- nibbled on the crust.
    • Honey glazed tofu: Yummy enough, but A- wasn’t interested in trying it today. Skipped the pepper, of course.
    • Crunchy coconut cookies: I made these with vegetable oil instead of butter. Still turned out airy and delicious.
    • Bacon Brussels sprouts: Yummy! A- kept sneaking Brussels sprouts from the bowl while I prepared the rest of dinner.
    • I blended vegetables into pasta sauce. I felt very much like a parent. A- didn’t want the sauce on her pasta, but she was happy to have it like soup.
  • Emotion
    • Tantrum overtired doesn’t want to go to sleep
    • A- bumped her face, so she spent some time snuggling with me for consolation. She asked for a blanket cave.
  • Social
    • A- raised her hand, then said, “I raised my hand for help. I’m thirsty.” I helped her with her water bottle.
    • We spent a day leisurely doing neighbourhood chores. We loaded the stroller with so many groceries that we had to drop them off at home in order to make space for books. The drop-in centre at the library turned out to be open already, so we spent some time there as well.
    • A- doesn’t like it when kids point or stare at her eye. We talked about some responses we can try the next time that happens. The next one we’re going to experiment with is me saying “Shh, L- is learning how to be a superhero. She has a special eye.” (L- is the name she likes using at the moment.) We talked about the power of joking about things and owning the conversation.
    • We dropped by Melissa and H-‘s place before heading to the swimming pool. A- liked the chocolate chip muffins that Melissa had just baked. We had an impromptu dance party, too.
    • We were playing catch on the stairs. A- wanted to keep playing. We told her we could do one more and then it would be dinner time. She threw the ball and then came down the stairs, saying, “I promised to come back.”
  • Pretend
    • After helping me with self-checkout at the supermarket, A- carried the receipt all the way home. She wanted to play cashier. I had made a cash register out of cardboard for her before, but we had recycled it after it fell apart. W- had also cut some pretend money out of coloured construction paper, but it wasn’t in its usual place. After some thinking, A- said, “How can I play cashier with no money and no cash register?” I said, “We can use our imagination.” We did a quick transaction before moving on to reading books.
    • A- had fun pretending I was Lola. We read lots of books.
  • World
    • We walked to the park and looked at the construction.
    • A- had lots of fun using the magnet in W-‘s workshop to pick up screws and other pieces of hardware.
    • We went to the science centre with Melissa and H-. She liked pretending to be a nurse, farmer, and construction worker. She also played with the wheel, the car, the supermarket, the water table, the spinner, and the pretend guitars. She asked a few questions about the skeleton.

Blog posts


Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
A- 40.9 47.3 6.4 79.5 10.7
Business 0.0 1.6 1.6 2.7 2.7
Unpaid work 3.8 5.4 1.6 9.1 2.7
Discretionary – Productive 6.8 6.3 -0.5 10.7 -0.8
Discretionary – Family 0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -1.0
Personal 5.1 4.5 -0.6 7.6 -1.0
Sleep 34.3 32.5 -1.8 54.5 -3.1
Discretionary – Play 4.8 2.3 -2.5 3.9 -4.1
Discretionary – Social 3.7 0.0 -3.7 0.0 -6.1
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