2019-05-20 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Towards a cleaner build
- Emacs figures in ‘Hall of Shame for Linux IME Support – Fcitx’
- How about funding magit’s libegit2
- Allow zero-argument rx `or’ and `seq’ forms
- Avoid polling in global-auto-revert-mode (bug#35418)
- New buffer display action function ‘display-buffer-in-direction’
- Don’t use file notification on non-file buffers
- Distribute test cases in tarballs by default
- Accept NO-PROPERTIES in thing-at-point aliases (Bug#35491)
- Add standard unmatchable regexp
- * lisp/progmodes/project.el (project-read-file-name-function): Fix type.
- Default to disabling ImageMagick (Bug#33587)
- Allow customizing the display of project file names when reading
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- It never occurred to me – showing only parts of occur matches
- better-jumper: A configurable jump list implementation for Emacs that can be used to easily jump back to previous locations.
- hydra 0.15.0 is out
- loccur: loccur is Emacs minor mode for navigating through the file like occur does, but without opening a new window.
- Using Emacs – 7- Navigation with Avy – A video tutorial from Mike Zamansky
- iflipb: iflipb.el – interactively flip between recently visited buffers
- Org Mode:
- Markdown in Org-mode
- Adding :target option for the TOC keyword in Org Mode
- Displaying Inline Images in Emacs org-mode | Blog
- New link features in Org 9
- org-editmarks: Edit marks for Org mode
- Emacs Org mode support for VSCode – Visual Studio Marketplace
- Diego Zamboni, a leanpub author, uses Orgmode to write his books
- function for DWIM insertion of new entries
- Coding:
- nix-haskell-mode: Automatic Haskell setup in Emacs, for Nix users
- coverage.el: Emacs minor mode for displaying code coverage
- seml-mode: Major mode for editing SEML (S-Expression Markup Language) files
- emacs_latex_class: En ajoutant un classe de latex dans le fichier de configuration d’emacs, cela permet de generer des fichiers pdf géniaux comme celui-ci.
- Live Stream Setting up Docker for a new PHP app using Emacs (1:06:47)
- sly-asdf: SLY contrib that adds support for editing ASDF systems. Ported from slime with changes to support package-inferred-system. P
- “2019-04-03: Emacs as a C++ IDE – Jeff Trull, Ben Deane, Dirk Jagdmann”: YouTube
- (with-emacs – Show matching lines when parentheses go off-screen (Reddit)
- realgud-node-inspect: realgud support for newer “node inspect”
- Portacle – A Portable Common Lisp Development Environment
- rusty-tags: Create ctags/etags for a cargo project
- Janet lang Repl Support emacs (Reddit)
- realgud-lldb: lldb module for realgud
- Hard CIDER: Keeping your REPL Tidy
- Version control:
- Community:
- Other:
- Adding Your YouTube Subscriptions to Elfeed
- An Emacs Journey
- leetcode.el: An Emacs LeetCode client.
- indian-ext: Extension to Emacs’ Indian languages support. Current focus is on Sanskrit.
- emacs-live-preview: Live preview by any shell command while editing
- Emacs Web Server (web-server) User Manual
- tldr.el: tldr client for Emacs
- emacs-whois: Extends the whois functionality of Emacs
- Workaround Fcitx issues within Emacs – ArchWiki
- pullover: Pull text from other apps into Emacs to edit (macOS) (Reddit)
- From register feature in Emacs to I3Wm (for i3 guys) (Reddit)
- libmpdel: Emacs library to communicate with Music Player Daemon (MPD)
- elpher: Full featured Gopher client in Emacs Lisp.
- boon: Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs
- shell-here: Open an Emacs shell in the current directory
- Emacs fish completion: Extend the pcomplete completion framework with completion from the fish shell.
- Quickly find Syncthing conflicts and resolve them with ediff
- Emacs Doom E03 – A short intro to Dired (Reddit)
- send-emacs-fifo: A cheaply implemented non-waiting emacsclient replacement
- ledger-import: Fetch OFX files and convert them into Ledger format
- vdirel: Manipulate vdir (i.e., vcard) repositories from Emacs
- Screenwriter-mode is a plug-in for GNU Emacs, a free, cross-platform, text editor. Download it to get started writing, freely, today.
- Working with Coding Systems and Unicode in Emacs
- exwm-edit: Edit mode for EXWM
- New packages:
- ameba: An interface to Crystal Ameba linter.
- flycheck-ameba: Add support for Ameba to Flycheck
- hl-block-mode: highlighting nested blocks
- mu2tex: Convert plain text molecule names and units to TeX
- phpt-mode: Major mode for editing PHPT test code
- realgud-lldb: Realgud front-end to lldb
- realgud-trepan-ni: Realgud front-end to trepan-ni
- show-eol: Show end of line symbol in buffer.
- realgud-ipdb: Realgud front-end to ipdb
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.