Weekly review: Week ending October 11, 2019

| review, weekly
  • Kaizen
    • I decluttered many of my clothes and a large part of my fabric stash. It’s nice to have several empty drawers and boxes.
    • W- helped me tape up my phone screen to deal with the crack.
  • Us
    • I made a Tsuki rabbit out of clay.
    • Either A- or I put weight on my phone, so the screen cracked. Oh well!
    • W- edited our Borderlands 2 characters to bring them over from the PS3.
    • I made cabbage stew. It worked out nicely!
  • Gross motor
    • A- climbed up the net and went down the big slide all by herself at Grange Park.
  • Fine motor
    • A- was curious about LEGO, so W- started bringing up parts of his collection. A- liked the train set and the vehicles.
  • Language
    • W-: “This has just the right amount of crust – i.e., lots.” A-: “It doesn’t do it for me.”
    • A-: “What’s a trackless train?” Me: (brief explanation) A-: “What’s a roadless train?” Me: (brief guess) “I think she’s making up phrases, generalizing from the foo-less train pattern.” W-: “It may interest you to know that words that start with di mean two.” A-: “Diamond.” J-: “She’s too smart for you.” W-: “Okay. Not every word that starts with di follows that pattern.”
  • Self-care and independence
    • The doctor diagnosed A- with bacterial pneumonia and prescribed clarithromycin.
    • We went to the doctor to get another prescription so that we could try getting A-‘s antibiotics compounded with a different flavour. The pharmacy said that their bubblegum flavour expired, so we opted for Tutti Frutti. After mixing it up, the pharmacist said it needed tweaking, so they tried a different formulation. We picked it up the next day.
    • “I’m going to take the easy way today.”
    • A- easily opened the childproof medicine bottle. She set a teaspoon of ice cream spoon on her saucer, where she also had a square of white chocolate. After I gave her the medicine, she considered her options and decided which one to eat first, washing things down with coconut water.
  • Emotion
    • “I’m not so happy. The reason is because of my meds.”
  • Social
    • We had Jen and E- over. A- had lots of fun running around with E- and playing with him, although she didn’t like it so much when he pretended to be a pouncing cat. We worked on a ghost costume for E-.
  • Cognition
    • A- made a paper pumpkin out of shapes.
  • World
    • A- turned the phone away from her when she noticed YouTube was showing an ad.

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Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
A- 43.1 48.2 5.1 81.0 8.5
Discretionary – Social 0.0 2.4 2.4 4.0 4.0
Discretionary – Play 0.0 1.9 1.9 3.2 3.2
Discretionary – Family 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sleep 35.5 35.5 0.0 59.7 0.0
Business 3.0 2.8 -0.2 4.7 -0.3
Personal 7.2 5.3 -1.8 9.0 -3.1
Unpaid work 6.7 3.8 -2.9 6.4 -4.9
Discretionary – Productive 4.5 0.0 -4.5 0.0 -7.5
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