2020-02-10 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- * lisp/simple.el (undo-redo): New command
- Support for (box . SIZE) ‘cursor-type'
- Add new filter commands to Package Menu (Bug#38424)
- * lisp/emacs-lisp/map.el: Add keyword-only pattern abbreviation
- Add new help command describe-keymap
- * lisp/progmodes/sh-script.el: Remove old non-SMIE indentation code
- Appearance:
- tmtheme-to-emacs: Script to convert a textmate (or SublimeText) Theme to Emacs deftheme
- xfel-mode-line: simple way of using echo area as mode-line (Reddit)
- flatui-theme.el: A color theme for Emacs based on flatuicolors.com
- doom-themes screenshots updated! (good time to go theme-(s)hopping)
- mas-doom-themes: abyss / ayu, themes based on doom-themes
- Watch “Emacs – 05 – Themes” on YouTube
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Find stuff in org-mode anywhere
- Introducing Org-Roam (Reddit)
- Creating Org mode sparse trees in Emacs and organice (Reddit)
- org-refactor-heading : Treefactor documentation
- org-graph-view-graphviz: interactive, visual Org outline views: themed, clickable, and zoomable (Reddit)
- Watch “Emacs: Introduction to ORG-CAPTURE” on YouTube
- {ANN/RFC} DOCT: Declarative Org Capture Templates new features! :custom, :contexts
- Global TODO Capture Hotkey for Emacs Org Mode on macOS
- Textmind relies on org-id's GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifiers) to anchor links. Read more here …
- org-mode for developers
- org-el-cache: Persistent cache for data derived from org-elements
- Coding:
- Setting up Ediff · (or emacs
- Getting started with Chez Scheme and Emacs on macOS and Windows | Travis Hinkelman
- vim-html-template-literals: Syntax highlighting for html template literals in javascript (as in lit-html and polymer 3)
- Magit is like Git at the speed of thought
- Setup Doom Emacs to work with Vue.js and nvm
- lsp-mode now supports auto-import
- Install Angular Language server · emacs-lsp/lsp-mode Wiki · GitHub
- Hard CIDER: Dealing with Multiple Project Markers
- Community:
- Other:
- Tips and tricks for the fledgling Emacs user
- Emacs – Productivity Tricks/Hacks – Zach into 2020
- {blog post} Tips and tricks from the manual
- Emacs – The 100% Extendable Text Editor
- Irreal: Restoring the Elfeed Default Filter
- somafm.el – A simple soma.fm interface
- Setting Emacs as the default text editor for all files on macOS (Reddit)
- Using Emacs 66 – an eshell switchert in elisp (Reddit)
- unpackaged/elfeed-filter-hydra: Easily configure Elfeed filters with a Hydra (Reddit)
- evil-unimpaired: Port of evil-unimpaired code from spacemacs, for general evil use.
- build-emacs-for-macos: How I automated patching and building of Emac.app on OSX.
- vimgolf.el: VimGolf interface for the One True Editor
- My own small emacs “package” to upload to various simple pastebin services. Critique/advice welcome. (Reddit)
- Watch “Emacs: introduction to GNUS” on YouTube
- New packages:
- vs-light-theme: Visual Studio IDE light theme
- vs-dark-theme: Visual Studio IDE dark theme
- osx-plist: Apple plist file parser
- lavenderless-theme: A colorless theme inspired by Lavender
- competitive-programming-snippets: Competitive Programming snippets for Yasnippet
- autobuild: Define and execute build rules and compilation pipelines
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.