2020-02-17 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- {blog post} My First Emacs Lisp – isearch exit, kill, copy; also, getting started with elisp
- hideshowvis: Add little clickable +/- icons in the Emacs fringe for regions which Emacs' hideshow.el can hide.
- Watch “Emacs – 08 – Projectile” on YouTube
- Org Mode:
- {ANN/RFC} org-ql-view-dispatch available in org-ql master branch (Reddit)
- How I Tackle Projects With org-mode
- Watch “Emacs: Introduction to ORG-CAPTURE” on YouTube
- Sync your Chrome/Chromium browser history into your Org mode
- orgassist: orgassist is a bot – which handles your appointments, tasks and notes. A remote control for your org-mode directory.
- org-pdftools & org-noter demo – YouTube
- ob-docker-build: Build and Push docker images from org-babel
- How To Take Smart Notes With Org-mode (Reddit)
- {ANN/RFC} DOCT new feature: disabling templates
- Weekly /r/Orgmode Open Discussion – February 14, 2020
- Getting keyword options in org-files (2013)
- Coding:
- emacs-sqlite3-api: SQLite3 API for GNU Emacs 25+
- Hector Hon's Blog: Getting the compilation output of asdf:load-system into SLIME
- {video} Conquering Kubernetes with Emacs (2019) (Reddit)
- Automatic gtags integration for Emacs using Git
- emacs-guile: Emacs configuration file focusing on Guile development
- emacs-compile-plus: Enhanced emacs compile function
- Editing remote code with Emacs
- More interactive compile function – emacs-compile-plus
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- Other:
- ol-get: retrieve calendar entries from outlook via EWS or local OST/PST (and import into emacs)
- You can play Doom inside Emacs using EAF (Reddit)
- EAF is now in the Arch User Repository.
- Emacs artist-mode – YouTube
- Lighthouse.el – emacs wrapper to control Philips Hue lights using lighthouse
- Searching and Typing Unicode Characters – Like Emojis – System-Wide Via Emacs (Reddit)
- wc-goal-mode: Emacs mode to achieve word-count goals
- emacs-wallpaper: Setting the wallpaper with Emacs (Reddit)
- The GNU Emacs Calculator (Reddit)
- Using embedded emacs calc-mode for symbolic processing – YouTube
- Emacs Decoupled UI vs Neovims – Talk by Neovims Lead Maintainer
- nndiscourse: A Gnus backend for Discourse
- How I launch Emacs on macOS
- Vim and Emacs can be BFF – Yaron Wittenstein's Personal Site
- Watch “My Integrated Computing Environment – (Emacs/EXWM etc.)” on YouTube
- Reagent is… Nice? – Random Thoughts – Emacs as gmane admin backend
- Watch “Emacs vs Vim: Can't we all just get along?” on YouTube
- New packages:
- smog: Analyse the writing style, word use and readability of prose
- org-fragtog: Auto-toggle org fragments
- moonshot: Run executable file, debug and build commands on project
- magit-patch-changelog: Generate a patch according to emacs-mirror/CONTRIBUTE
- keepass-mode: Mode to open Keepass DB
- flycheck-grammarly: Grammarly support for Flycheck
- flycheck-drstring: Doc linting for Swift using DrString
- doct: DOCT: Declarative Org capture templates
- all-the-icons-ivy-rich: Better experience with icons for ivy
- all-the-icons-ibuffer: Display icons for all buffers in ibuffer
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.