2020-03-16 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- {blog post} Exploring org mode
- {ANN} org-sidebar 0.4-pre
- Reproducible Research: Interleaving Disparate Sections of a multi-purpose Document on Export
- Using Emacs Episode 68 – Tramp and org-publish (Reddit)
- org-backlink: showing entries linking to the current entry
- How to blog with Emacs Org mode | Opensource.com
- Coding:
- {ANN} Prism.el 0.2 released (depth-based syntax highlighting for Lisp, C, Python, JSON, etc.) (Reddit)
- Introducing Gopcaml mode – structural OCaml editing – Community (HN)
- {Kubernetes} Kubel 2.0 is out
- {ANN} Emacs StackExchange Snippets (tiny packages alacarte) (Reddit)
- {Centaur Emacs} Charts in markdown (Reddit)
- Multi-mode editing with Semantic
- Watch “Emacs – 16 – Company mode (auto-complete) and some thanks” on YouTube
- Community:
- Other:
- New packages:
- amread-mode: A minor mode helper user speed-reading
- apdl-mode: Major mode for the APDL programming language.
- aqi: Air quality data from the World Air Quality Index
- auto-scroll-mode: Auto scroll buffer
- brf: Add functionality from the editor Brief
- buffer-wrap: Wrap the beginning and the end of buffer
- bufler: Group buffers into workspaces with programmable rules
- company-quickhelp-terminal: Terminal support for `company-quickhelp'
- counsel-web: Search the Web using Ivy
- egg-timer: Commonly used intervals for setting timers while working
- fira-code-mode: Minor mode for Fira Code ligatures using prettify-symbols
- fit-text-scale: Fit text by scaling
- lsp-docker: LSP Docker integration
- manage-minor-mode-table: Manage minor-modes in table
- meyvn: Meyvn client
- mini-frame: Show minibuffer in child frame on read-from-minibuffer
- nndiscourse: Gnus backend for Discourse
- register-quicknav: Quickly jump to next/previous register
- separedit: Code block in comment or docstring
- sexp-diff: Diff sexps based on Levenshtein-like edit distance
- share2computer: Elisp helper of android ShareToComputer
- srfi: Scheme Requests for Implementation browser
- vcard: Package for handling vCard files
- versuri: The lyrics package
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.