2020-03-30 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Raimon Grau: Simplicity is its own reward
- Deprecate with-displayed-buffer-window, use body-function instead (bug#39822)
- Support state changing VC operations on directories in Dired (bug#34949)
- * lisp/vc/vc-dir.el (vc-dir-root): New command (bug#12492, bug#34949).
- Turn compilation-error-case-fold-search into a defvar
- Add manual and NEWS entries for previous gdb-mi changes
- Add a module function to open a file descriptor connected to a pipe.
- Make compilation-mode regexp matching case-sensitive (bug#40119)
- Rename dired-mark-region choices and ignore empty region.
- Add support for multiple Gravatar services
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- org-table-auto-align-mode: minor mode for auto aligning your org table as you type in it
- Using Emacs 70 Org Protocol (Reddit)
- Using Emacs's org-mode As Your Zettelkästen (Reddit)
- org-superstar-mode: A re-imagining of org-bullets with new features (Reddit)
- {ANN} Presenting `org-treescope' – a package to ease filtering through an org-mode file using the calendar and org-ql
- org-spacer.el – Enforce the number of blank lines after elements in Org
- Expand your org notes into a separate buffer
- Irreal: A Repository for Writing a Thesis With Org Mode
- Coding:
- Petru Rebeja: Building a Python IDE with Emacs and Docker
- GDScript mode is now on MELPA – adds support for the Godot game engine
- Meta Redux: Adjusting RuboCop’s Defaults
- Meta Redux: nREPL 0.7
- Alvaro Ramirez: String inflection Emacs package
- Manuel Uberti: Lockdown Beam: git-identity
- Watch “Emacs: introduction to VC (version control framework)” on YouTube
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- Other:
- 🐢 Tortuga.el extends eshell with cool stuff (Reddit)
- Julia Ecklar – The Eternal Flame a.k.a. “God wrote in lisp code”
- Vuiet, the long road to building my own music player in Emacs (Reddit)
- Setting Up an Emacs (spacemacs) Playground on MacOS – Emacs Mac Port | Chemacs | Emacsclient
- Which non text editing things in emacs you use?
- Looking for feedback on my project – Learn Emacs the ADHD way
- {RFC} FlySpell Visible
- Dangerous keybindings..?
- New packages:
- ascii-table: Interactive ASCII table
- astyle: Astyle formatter functions
- autocrypt: Autocrypt implementation
- blackout: Better mode lighter overriding
- brightscript-mode: Major mode for editing Brightscript files
- chronometrist: A time tracker with a nice interface
- company-org-roam: Company backend for Org-roam
- dashboard-ls: Display files/directories in current directory on Dashboard
- edit-chrome-textarea: Edit Chrome Textarea
- fantom-theme: Dark theme based on Phantom Code for VSCode
- gomacro-mode: Gomacro mode and Go REPL integration
- hidepw: Minor mode to hide passwords
- jest-test-mode: Minor mode for running Node.js tests using jest
- nixpkgs-fmt: Reformat Nix using nixpkgs-fmt
- npm: Run your npm workflows
- org-pdftools: Support for links to documents in pdfview mode
- rime: Rime input method
- svelte-mode: Emacs major mode for Svelte
- sxiv: Run the sxiv image viewer
- vlc: VideoLAN VLC Media Player Control
- yesterbox: Count number of inbox messages by day
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.