2020-04-27 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- helm-treemacs-icons: Treemacs' file icons for helm lovers
- I made an Acme theme (a minimal modification of plan9-theme.el) (Reddit)
- Help us test Flycheck's new margin indicators (a HiDPI-friendly replacement for those tiny » bitmaps in the fringes) (Reddit)
- Ayu-Themes for Emacs
- Old-school Cool II (FixedSys left, IBM VGA8 right) (Reddit)
- Manuel Uberti: Lockdown Beam: volatile-highlights
- Org Mode:
- Is there an orgmode workbook tutorial that is very rudimentary and walks a user through specific use cases and examples?
- How do you protect against accidental deletion?
- Do-What-I-Mean way of inserting links into org-mode
- Create tables with paragraph-like content in Org mode, with the least amount of hassle
- Extra Org block and link types – Multiple columns, colours, SVG badges, tooltips, glossaries ^_^ (Reddit)
- Managing my Annotated Bibliography with Emacs' Org Mode
- Using org-mode to mirror your Roam Research data (Reddit)
- Org-Roam Demo | Roam Research in Emacs (Zetteldeft Comparison) | #biblenotes |
- Org-mode, literate programming in Emacs – YouTube
- Irreal: The Org Code Edit Buffer
- Using Mathematica with Orgmode – Rohit Goswami
- org-thtml: A ‘Handlebar'-like template architecture for static HTML sites using Org mode
- org-macros: Shared macros for Org mode
- Multi-File Org-Babel Tangles with Include Directives (Reddit)
- {New package} inherit-org, no relationship to shrface, target to inherit org features to all non org-buffers.
- Coding:
- Mail:
- Spacemacs:
- Community:
- What do you find useful in emacs, as a scientist (who is not from CS background)?
- ELS 2020, april 27th & 28th – final program. The talks will be pre-recorded and streamed on Twitch with an accompanying live chat. (Reddit)
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- 15 reasons why I use emacs | Better Programming (Irreal)
- Other:
- {Big Update} Extend shr/eww/nov with analysis capability. Here is shrface version 2.2.
- Buttery smooth emacs animations (macos only)
- {ANN} Spell-Fu 0.2 release (new functionality)
- Sanel Zukan: Open (un)compressed file in Emacs
- Reviewing Elisp Code: Prepend Datestamp to Files in Dired
- Elfeed Rules! (Reddit)
- Emacs server the fun way (Reddit)
- Marcin Borkowski: Printing from pdf-tools
- New packages:
- anakondo: Adds clj-kondo based Clojure[Script] editing facilities
- gitlab-snip-helm: Gitlab snippets api helm package
- keypression: Keystroke visualizer
- lsp-latex: lsp-mode client for LaTeX, on texlab
- lsp-pascal: LSP client for Pascal
- neuron-mode: Major mode for editing zettelkasten notes using neuron
- orderless: Completion style for matching regexps in any order
- org-roam-bibtex: Connector between Org-roam, BibTeX-completion, and Org-ref
- org-special-block-extras: 29 new custom blocks & 32 link types for Org-mode
- pdb-capf: Completion-at-point function for python debugger
- raku-mode: Major mode for editing Raku code
- shfmt: Reformat shell scripts using shfmt
- winds: Window configuration switcher grouped by workspaces
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.