2021-02-01 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Upcoming events:
- EmacsNYC: Lightning Talks – Mon Feb 1 1600H PST / 1900H EST / Tue Feb 2 0000H UTC / 0100H CET / 0530H IST / 0800H +08 – https://emacsnyc.org/2021/01/23/monthly-online-meetup-lightning-talks.html
- Atelier Emacs Paris en visio-conférence (virtual, in French) – Tue Feb 2 1130H EST / 1630H UTC / 1730H CET / 2200H IST / Wed Feb 3 0030H +08
- Beginner:
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Emacs 27.1.91 is out
- Pretest version builds of GNU Emacs for Fedora
- Merge remote-tracking branch ‘savannah/master' into native-comp
- New Rmail option ‘rmail-show-message-set-modified'
- Fix interaction between two dired cleanup variables
- Add a command for redisplay during keyboard macros
- Make the default `whitespace-enable-predicate' use `derived-mode-p'
- Fix typos and punctuation
- Add distinct controls for child frames' borders (Bug#45620)
- Use `lexical-binding` in all `lisp/international` files
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Dired:
- Org Mode:
- Using Emacs for college assignment
- Emacs, org-mode and 100 books in a year (Reddit)
- More org improvements – agenda, structure templates
- Organize your org files anywhere in your filesystem with org-ql and helm-find.
- Enhance Your Email with Org Mode (Reddit)
- org-appear – Auto-toggle emphasis markers, links, and sub/superscripts
- Quick utility function for inserting library-of-babel reference
- Useful function to search through refile targets and create a link to the match.
- Cambiando el blog a org-static-blog
- Weblorg: A static HTML generator for Emacs & Org-Mode
- Adding chess diagrams to org-mode documents
- readtheorg: Org Mode theme like Read The Docs (Reddit)
- Discovering Org Mode
- Irreal: Editing Anki Cards with Org Mode
- Completion:
- Coding:
- semantic-refactor: Semantic Refactor is a refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Informative diff hunks for Emacs Lisp and Org
- Emacs as your code-compass: who can I ask for help? (Reddit)
- GNU Emacs as a lightweight IDE (Auto-suggest data structure)
- emacs DBI – Emacs as SQL client – works pretty well!
- python-epc: EPC (RPC stack for Emacs Lisp) for Python
- Mail and news:
- Shell:
- Community:
- emacs-ng:
- Other:
- “Teaching an old Bovine Gnu Tricks: What's next for Emacs?” – Jeffrey Walsh (LCA 2021 Online) (LWN)
- Emacs: from catching up to getting ahead: an Emacs wishlist
- Supercharge your Emacs / Spacemacs / Doom with Yasnippets!
- Emacs remote file editing over TRAMP (Reddit)
- undo-tree repository's new home (Gitlab) (Reddit)
- Porting my blog to Hugo from inside Emacs (Reddit)
- Andrea: VLC via Emacs: how to open a YouTube link
- Marco Wahl: Open Firefox URL in eww
- Marco Wahl: Convert Time in Region to Local Timezone
- Marco Wahl: Redisplay at Keyboard Macro Execution
- lexic: Fancy Emacs integration with the Console Version of StarDict
- homebrew.el – simple, completion-drive interface to the Homebrew package manager (Reddit)
- What are the best or more interesting forks of emacs to try?
- Vanilla Emacs on NixOS (Reddit)
- New packages:
- find-dupes-dired: Find dupes and handle in dired
- inheritenv: Make temp buffers inherit buffer-local environment variables
- llama: Anonymous function literals
- lsp-tailwindcss: A lsp-mode client for tailwindcss
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
2021-02-06T12:06:42ZHi Sacha, thank you for hosting great blog!
How do you gather such large amount of information?!
2022-02-04T02:53:21ZMostly browsing through https://www.reddit.com/user... and upvoting things to include, plus some code to pull in stuff from package archives and Git repos. :)
2022-02-04T16:38:33ZSo the information comes to you!! Great. Thank you!!