2024-06-10 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Upcoming events:
- OrgMeetup (virtual) https://bbb.emacsverse.org/b/iho-h7r-qg8-led Wed Jun 12 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100 America/Chicago - 1200 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1800 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Jun 13 0000 Asia/Singapore
- EmacsSF: Emacs Lisp Hacking Night: Debugging (Hybrid) https://www.meetup.com/emacs-sf/events/301454544/ Thu Jun 13 1800 America/Vancouver - 2000 America/Chicago - 2100 America/Toronto – Fri Jun 14 0100 Etc/GMT - 0300 Europe/Berlin - 0630 Asia/Kolkata - 0900 Asia/Singapore
- Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs Fri Jun 14 1800 Europe/Paris
- M-x Research: TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Wed Jun 19 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1500 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2030 Asia/Kolkata - 2300 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs APAC (virtual) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/ Sat Jun 22 0130 America/Vancouver - 0330 America/Chicago - 0430 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 1030 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Appearance:
- theesm/simple-set-backlight.el - Codeberg.org (@thees@emacs.ch)
- Alvaro Ramirez: Hey mouse, dont mess with my Emacs font size (Reddit, Irreal)
- A Composition of Emacs Themes that is even ok (06:42, @mekeor@mastodon.catgirl.cloud)
- Zathura-sync-theme: A package that automatically synchronizes Zathura's colorscheme with your emacs theme (Reddit)
- A trans-themed Emacs wallpaper (based on Maria Shanina's Desert Nights) (Reddit)
- Navigation:
- Writing:
- Org Mode:
- Mario Jason Braganza: Note to Self, Linking to a Headline in an Org File
- Rethinking and organizing my life with org-mode (part 2) - now.org (@jtr@fosstodon.org)
- Getting Boxes Done, the Code (@howard@emacs.ch)
- Emacs Org File Headings Expand And Collapse Via Keystrokes 2024_06_08_14:56:00 (02:08)
- Emacs Org Mode Emphasis Markers 2024_06_08_02:50:23 (07:52)
- my-url-linkify with my-add-description, now also sets the description of an ID-link to the heading (@publicvoit@graz.social)
- orgtre/ankiorg: Emacs anki-editor add-on which pulls Anki notes to Org
- anki-editor/anki-editor: Emacs minor mode for making Anki cards with Org Mode - maintained fork supports newer Anki features
- org-krita and org-xournalpp with custom link
- ob-jira (@bkhl@emacs.ch)
- Org development:
- etc/ORG-NEWS: Announce removal of searching inside hidden parts of links
- org-capture-templates: New placeholder to refer to %^{prompt}X answers
- org-babel-exp-code: Fix exporting src blocks with :var arguments
- ol: Add support for shortdoc link type
- org-babel-latex-process-alist: Use latemk or run latex trice
- Denote:
- Completion:
- Coding:
- jeko / Gunit64 · GitLab - tools to fire up SRFI64 tests (@jeko@framapiaf.org)
- Live-coding: Hot-recompiling Lisp interface design with CLIM
- Live clim org emacs lisp slime first steps - 5/31/2024, 12:43:14 AM - toobnix (@screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)
- Kele (Kubernetes management package) 0.6.0 released (Reddit) - kind-specific keybindings, permission-based keybindings, resource listing
- Mermaid preview using wxwidget browser (Reddit)
- Kyle Meyer: A Tour of Magit
- Math:
- Shells:
- Mail, news, and chat:
- Doom Emacs:
- update: doom emacs && dotfile management (07:59) - welcome to the Emacs community, bashbunni!
- Community:
- Other:
- What Emacs got right, or how I wish modern apps were more like a 50 year old text editor (Reddit)
- scovl/pomodoro: A simple emacs pomodoro timer (@lobocode@hachyderm.io)
- Sunrise/sunset and lunar phases
- Release v0.3 · hammy.el: Simple, programmable timers for Emacs (intervals, one-shot, etc) (Reddit)
- Irreal: TABs or Spaces
- Lars Ingebrigtsen: Using Emacs to Monitor Dbus (Irreal)
- Announcing a plan to change some Casual package names (Reddit, Irreal)
- neetware/emacsOS: EmacsOS Linux installer - installs Emacs and X, changes OS name from Debian/Arch to emacsOS, starts Emacs when X starts
- Emacs development:
- emacs-devel:
- cperl-mode.el: Update for the current Perl version 5.040
- * etc/NEWS: Announce Org update.
- Text improvements for the documentation of 'some-window' (bug#70949)
- Report touch events on MS-Windows
- Add documentation for window-tool-bar package
- Add new command 'package-vc-log-incoming'
- (hack-dir-local-get-variables-functions): New hook
- (find-auto-coding): Provide filename to `auto-coding-functions`
- read-process-output-max: Increase the default value
- Go around calling the default process filter (reducing GC churn)
- Be more efficient when buffering output in Eshell
- Add new alist entry 'some-window' for 'display-buffer-use-some-window'
- * lisp/buff-menu.el: Mark all entries in outline.
- Add 'sqlite-execute-batch' command
- Add manual entry for treesit-primary-parser
- Revert "New function treesit-parser-changed-ranges"
- New commands to show/hide outlines by regexp (bug#49731)
- New variable 'revert-buffer-restore-functions' (bug#69511)
- New packages:
- denote-citar-sections: Universal Sidecar sections for citar-denote (MELPA)
- denote-sections: Universal Sidecar Sections for Denote (MELPA)
- qwen-chat-shell: Qwen-chat shell + buffer insert commands (MELPA)
- regswap: Functionality for swapping two regions (MELPA)
- vim-tab-bar: Vim-like tab bar (MELPA)
- wiz: Macros to simplify startup initialization (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, kbin, programming.dev, lemmy, communick.news, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!