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A night with the barkada

Posted: - Modified: | barkada, friends, philippines, sketches


I’m trying to figure out how to explain to other people what this barkada thing is like, but it’s hard.

I can’t explain how the conversation can flow so fast and funny over water and pizza. (And to think that other people drink alcohol to relax their inhibitions.)

In-jokes that still haven’t grown old, after all these years. New jokes and references. Politically incorrect humor mixed in with ideas and initiatives. Serious thoughts mixed in with crazy antics.

There’s something about critical mass and quick retorts that’s part of the magic of being in person.

It’s amazing being part of a group like this.

Reflecting on relationships

| family, friends, life

For my 25th year, I focused on building a wonderfully loving relationship with W-. We developed shared hobbies (cooking, photography), built shared experiences, and made home even smoother and more comfortable. We’re the sappiest, happiest, and luckiest couple I know, and I think we’re off to a great start. Over the next year, I hope to keep making this part of my life even more wonderful. This part of life doesn’t need radical improvements. Things are amazing already! Constant, gradual improvements will keep us growing.

I haven’t neglected my other relationships. I’ve come to look forward to weekly chats with my mom, and I love it when my dad drops in too. I occasionally hear from my other friends in the Philippines and in Canada. I’m missing something, though, and I’d like to focus on that for my 26th year.

I want the closeness of my childhood, when my sisters and I would make up games with each other, when I could make my mom melt and my dad laugh. I want to bring to that the awesomeness of being grown-up, of sharing different perspectives on the wonderful thing that’s life. I’m curious about the sisterhood in greeting cards and movies. I’m curious about how other people relate to their parents.

I want the closeness of my barkada, of a richly interlinked group of friends who are friends with each other, the kind of friends you share experiences with, grow up through life with, have ridiculously impenetrable in-jokes with. The people you laugh with until your sides split and your cheeks hurt, the people you cry with until someone says something that flips the situation around and you’re all on top of the world again. I want to develop new friendships, too, and bring people together for shared experiences. I’m curious about how other people keep in touch with friends over a distance or build friendships after university, when people no longer have the luxury of lots of time spent together while going through huge changes.

So that’s what I’ll explore for my 26th year. =) For my birthday, then, I’d love to hear stories and tips. Do you have great relationships with your family or your friends, particularly over a distance? Tell me what that’s like! What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like? How did you get started? How do you keep growing?

A geek’s guide to Toronto

Posted: - Modified: | friends, geek, life, toronto

Geek guide to Toronto

Gino Ledesma (one of my friends from university) is in Toronto for some training, so I spent the afternoon showing him some of my favorite geek places. =) He was blown away by the size of the Toronto Reference Library (and I showed him Robarts Library, too – no stacks access, though =( ). We enjoyed walking through the Royal Ontario Museum (particularly the Philippine section with, err, basket-like cellphone holders). Guidebooks wouldn’t have told him about Active Surplus or the Linux Caffe. =) And I might go with him to the science centre next weekend. (I love the place!) Ah, geeks hanging out…

Zemanta Pixie

Keeping in touch

| friends

Today was a day for catching up with old friends. I spent an hour
catching up with Clair Ching over the webcam
this morning, and another hour with
Kendra Castillo in the
evening. It was good to talk to them again. Many of the things we’ve
gone through or are going through are surprisingly similar. =)

Random Emacs symbol: gnus-group-make-help-group – Command: Create the Gnus documentation group.

Barkada party

Posted: - Modified: | barkada

My mom held a Skype party for my barkada (close group of friends) in
the Philippines. I enjoyed seeing and hearing them this morning.
They’re just as crazy as I remembered. I wish they were here with me!
I haven’t been able to put together such a large, mutually supportive
peer group over here. Maybe someday!

After we caught up, we spent the rest of the time swapping Internet
memes. After seeing the remixed Shining trailer that turned the horror
classic into a feel-good father-and-son movie, I’ve decided to track
down a copy of Stephen King’s novel and to see the movie.
<laugh> After all, I’ve already read the spoilers *and* the

I’m thinking of calling people up and chatting with them, or maybe
starting a food blog with pictures. We’ll see how that turns out. =)

Random Emacs symbol: gnus-category-read – Function: Read the category alist.

No plans yet

Posted: - Modified: | friends

My birthday’s coming up next week and I still don’t have any plans.
Somehow, that realization makes me feel lonely.

Is this the first birthday in several years that I’m not celebrating
with a large group of mutual friends?

Random Emacs symbol: ibuffer-map-lines-nomodify – Function: As `ibuffer-map-lines’, but don’t set the modification flag.


Posted: - Modified: | friends

We made it back to Manila in time for the party for IT geeks at the
Museum Cafe in Greenbelt. The event was hosted by Exist and had an
open bar. The upper floor of the cafe was packed with people from
Exist, Narra VC, Orange and Bronze, and other companies. It was
awesome reconnecting with people I hadn’t seen in a while, and I also
enjoyed meeting new people. Two years (maybe even three) away from the
Philippine tech scene, and I still fit right in… I had fun. =)

I owe lots of people e-mail, which is a good success indicator for
networking events.

Random Emacs symbol: gnus-article-strip-all-blank-lines – Command: Strip all blank lines.