Weekly review: Week ending May 22, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week:
Revise our event calendar some moreI think I’ve gotten a handle on those pesky timezone problems…Fix up the partner access model, pass testsDONE!- Finish prepping for some of my upcoming talks In progress
Write that monthly overviewDid it after starting to work on this weekly review. Felt it was easier to just do it than to keep carrying the task forward…- Start thinking about the next dress I want to make, maybe a little black dress Still thinking! Keeping an eye out for nice patterns
- Bike every day I’ve exercised every day. Does that count? =D
I also:
- Solved database problems
- Helped my team avoid a lot of complexity and lower our estimated time needed by convincing the team to adopt a simpler approach
- Watched Star Trek with W- (whee!)
- Sorted out my flight arrangements for California
- Borrowed a large number of books from the library
- Started helping another client learn more about LinkedIn and Facebook
- Started on “Send in the Clowns”, which is one of my dad’s favourite songs
Next week:
- More Transition2 work – finish event-related bugs
- More LinkedIn and Facebook coaching – prepare guide
- More presentations – finish slides and notes!
- More gardening!
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