Weekly review: Week ending February 14, 2010
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
- [X] Support upcoming workshops by setting up Idea Labs and doing archetype presentations
- [X] Braindump more of what I know at work
- [X] Organize teleconference for people working in my neighborhood
- [X] Give “Shy Connector” presentation to WITI audience
- Added exploration workshop guide to wiki
- Learned about issue maps
- Braindumped my go-to people
- Coordinated development of logo for training program
- [/] Try another restaurant
- [X] Check out portrait photographers
- [X] Hand-write invitations and include in care package
- Also: Took cats to vet
- Joined my godparents’ tea party
- Had Chinese New Year dinner with W-‘s family
- Made chicken pot pie from scratch
- Prepared next week’s meals
- Gave J- a warm gift
- Read lots of books on marriage
- Helped W- organize negatives
- [X] Sew more zippered pouches
- [/] Sew wrap-around zippered pouch
- [/] Work on Siargao scrapbook, really
- [X] Send invitations for February tea party (end of month-ish?)
- Practiced bay parking
- Learned more Cantonese
- Went biking
Plans for next week
- [ ] Use new training program logo where appropriate
- [ ] Help team members send out Idea Lab invitations
- [ ] Learn from IBVA team
- [ ] Bake more awesomes
- [ ] Smoothen household routines
- [ ] Upload Siargao pictures to photo-book making website
- [ ] Compare photo book to getting prints of favourite Siargao shots
- [ ] Sew more pouches
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