Monthly review: October 2010

| monthly

    W- and I got married in October. That pretty much took up the whole month between spending time with our wonderful families and recuperating from the celebration. When I got back to work, I started on a Drupal project. It’s good to be back in development.

    We've switched back to Eastern Standard Time. The sun sets earlier now. I've taken my winter mittens and scarves out of storage. We're gearing up for what I'm resolutely calling "baking season" – a way of reminding myself that even winter has its benefits. To celebrate baking season, W- has been baking these absolutely scrumptious brownies.

    We're halfway through November already. I need to write a yearly review. My work anniversary syncs well with our yearly performance review cycle. I’ve got pictures to organize and memories to write. And then theres’s the holiday season coming up. We’re working on being more social.

    Life is good.


  • Weekly review: Week ending October 31, 2010
  • Weekly review: Week ending October 24, 2010
  • Weekly review: Week ending October 17, 2010
  • Week ending October 10, 2010
  • Monthly review: September 2010

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